Business essay
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Biography of Thomas Jefferson Essay example -- Essays Papers Bio Presi
Memoir of Thomas Jefferson Third President of the United States of America. Thomas Jefferson (1743-1826) was the third leader of the United States and a maker of the Declaration of Independence. Thomas Jefferson was a thinker, government official, researcher, engineer, creator, performer, and essayist. Thomas Jefferson was additionally perhaps the most brilliant pioneer ever. His dad was named Peter Jefferson, an extremely rich Farmer from Virginia. Thomas' Mother, Jane Randolph Jefferson, was a piece of the Randolph family. The Randolph Family was a major piece of Virginia history, and furthermore rich moreover. Dwindle and Jane Jefferson moved to Goochland province, since Peter had quite recently gotten 400 sections of land of land there. Thomas Jefferson was conceived in the log lodge in which the family lived. Thomas Jefferson was the third kid out of four sibling and six sisters. Two years after Thomas was conceived, William Randolph, a cousin of Mrs. Jefferson and a dear companion of the family, kicked the bucket. His will mentioned that Peter Jefferson move to his home, deal with the house and land, and ensure Randolph's four youngsters get taught. The Jefferson?s stayed at Randolph's domain for a long time. The home was called Shadwell. Thomas Jefferson was a remarkable minimal smart kid. At age nine, Thomas Jefferson Started Latin, Greek, and French Studies at a life experience school. Thomas jumped at the chance to Pony back ride, Canoe, Hunt, and fish. At the point when Thomas was fourteen years of age, his dad died. Thomas Jefferson was the most established child, so Thomas needed to deal with the family. Jefferson was a tall, slim kid with sandy ruddy hair and light complexion that freckled and burned from the sun without any problem. A genuine understudy, Thomas additionally appreciated the lighter parts of the instruction of a Virginia refined man. Jefferson figured out how to move and play the violin. Ends of the week and occasions Thomas spent either at Shadwell engaging visitors or at his companions' manors. Following two years at William and Mary (A College in Virginia?s capital city), Jefferson left to consider law. Thomas despite everything considered French, Italian, and English history and writing. In 1767, Jefferson was picked to the act of law in Virginia. Jefferson's principle wellspring of salary was his property. That?s in light of the fact that most attorneys didn?t bring in enough cash in those days. On New Year's Day, 1772, Jefferson wedded Martha Wayles Skelton, a 24-year-old widow. Patty... ...cts. I can't compose volumes on a solitary sheet, Adams composed mournfully, yet these letters of yours require volumes from me. Jefferson and his companion Adams, both of whom had played such incredible parts in the winning of autonomy, passed on Independence Day, July 4, 1826. Jefferson left definite guidelines for his entombment in the memorial park of his bequest. A straightforward landmark was to stamp his resting place. Thomas Jefferson indicated that the landmark was to be made of coarse stone so that nobody may be enticed from now on to crush it for the estimation of the materials. Thomas Jefferson composed his own tribute: Here was covered Thomas Jefferson Creator of the Declaration of American Independence Of the Statute of Virginia for Religious Opportunity And Father of the University of Virginia These accomplishments were to be recorded on the landmark, and not a word more ... since by these, as tributes that I have lived, I want most to be recalled. Jefferson's desires were completed, yet vandals later upset and broke the stone. A cautious generation presently denotes Jefferson's grave. Sources: Microsoft Encarta
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Management Accounting – Setting Prices
cco Management Accounting Tutorial 5 15-3. Rundown and quickly portray 4 significant impacts on estimating choices Customer Demand: the requests of clients are of foremost significance in all periods of business tasks, from the plan of an item to the setting of its cost. Item configuration issues and valuing contemplations are interrelated, so they should be analyzed all the while. For instance, for a more excellent item; you need greater materials which will influence a greater expense and needs additional time and this will prompt a higher valuing on a product.Also, a supervisor must not value its item out of the market value extend. Activities of Competitors: organizations must watch out for its rivals. In the event that its rival lessens its estimating on an item, they may need to stick to this same pattern to abstain from losing its piece of the overall industry. In any case, one must not follow the activities of its competitors’ indiscriminately as an organization needs to anticipate serious responses to its item structure and estimating procedure. The organization should likewise be mindful so as to appropriately characterize its item, with the end goal that on the off chance that they increment the cost of the item; will the shoppers keep buying the product?Costs: a few costs are resolved for the most part by showcase powers. Businesses, for example, agribusiness; where most items are showcase driven. To make a benefit, ranchers must create at an expense underneath the market cost. This is unsafe as it isn't generally conceivable to deliver at a value lower than the market cost and this will unavoidably prompt misfortunes for the ranchers. In different ventures, costs are set by adding a markup to creation costs so administrators do have some scope in deciding the markup. In this way, both market powers and cost contemplations vigorously impact prices.No association or industry can value its items underneath their creation costs inconclusively. W hat's more, no company’s the executives can set costs aimlessly at an expense in addition to a markup without watching out for the market. Political, Legal and picture related issues: chiefs must hold fast to specific laws. The law for the most part forbids organizations from separating among their clients in setting costs. It is additionally taboo in plot in value setting between significant firms. Political contemplations additionally can be relevant.For model, if the organizations in an industry are seen by general society as procuring unreasonably huge benefits, there might be political weight on administrators to burden those benefits differentially or to intercede somehow or another to control costs Companies likewise consider their open picture in the value setting process. A firm with a notoriety for exceptionally top notch items may set the cost of another item high to be steady with its picture. 15-11. Compose the general recipe for cost-in addition to estimating, a nd quickly clarify its utilization. Cost = Cost + (Markup % * Cost) 15-12. Rundown the 4 normal cost bases utilized in cost-in addition to pricing.How can they all bring about a similar cost? †Variable assembling cost + (Markup % * Variable assembling cost) †Absorption fabricating cost + (Markup % * Absorption fabricating cost) †Total expense + (Markup % * Total expense) †Total variable expense + (Markup % * Total variable cost) Several unique meanings of cost, each joined with an alternate markup rate can bring about a similar cost for an item or administration. 15-13. Rundown 4 reasons regularly refered to for the broad utilization of assimilation cost as the cost base in cost-in addition to valuing equations. †In the since quite a while ago run, the cost should over all expenses and a typical benefit margin.Basing the expense in addition to equation on just factor expenses could urge directors to set too low a cost so as to help deals. This won't occur if administrators comprehend that a variable expense in addition to valuing equation requires a higher markup to take care of fixed expenses and benefit. In any case, numerous supervisors contend that individuals will in general view the costs base in an expense in addition to estimating equation as the floor at setting costs. In the event that costs are set excessively near factor fabricating cost, the firm will neglect to take care of its fixed expenses. At last, such a training could bring about the disappointment of the business. Ingestion cost or absolute cost estimating recipes give a legitimate value that will in general be seen as evenhanded by all gatherings. Buyers by and large comprehend that an organization must cause a benefit on its item or administration so as to stay in business. Defending a cost as the all out expense of creation, deals, and authoritative exercises, in addition to a sensible net revenue, appears to be sensible to purchasers. †When a companyâ€⠄¢s contenders have comparable tasks and cost structure, cost-in addition to evaluating dependent on full costs gives the board a thought of how contenders may set costs Absorption-cost data is given by a firm’s cost bookkeeping framework, since it is required for outer monetary announcing under proper accounting rules. Since assimilation cost data as of now exists, it is financially savvy to utilize it for valuing. The option would include getting ready uncommon item cost information explicitly for the evaluating choice. In a firm with several items, such information could be costly to item. 15-14. What is the essential weakness of basing the expense in addition to valuing recipe on retention cost? The essential inconvenience of ingestion cost or absolute cost valuing equations is cap they cloud the cost standard of conduct of the firm. Since assimilation cost and absolute cost information incorporate dispensed fixed costs, it isn't obvious from these information how the fir m’s complete costs will change as volume changes. Another method of expressing this analysis is that retention cost information are not reliable with cost-volume-benefit investigation. CVP investigation underlines the qualification among fixed and variable expenses. This methodology empowers supervisors to foresee the impacts of changes in costs and deals volume on benefit. Ingestion cost and complete cost data darkens the qualification among variable and fixed expenses. 5-15. Rundown 3 points of interest of evaluating dependent on factor cost †Variable-cost information do darken the cost personal conduct standard by unitizing fixed expenses and making them seem variable. In this way, factor cost data is increasingly steady with cost-volume benefit examination regularly utilized by administrators to see the benefit ramifications of changes in cost and volume †Variable-cost information don't require portion of normal fixed expenses to singular product offerings. â₠¬ Variable-cost information are actually the sort of data supervisors need when confronting certain choices, for example, regardless of whether to acknowledge a unique order.This choice regularly requires an investigation that isolates fixed and variable costs 15-16. Clarify the conduct issue that can result when cost-in addition to costs depend on factor cost. On the off chance that the chiefs see the variable expense of an item or administration as the floor at the cost, they may will in general set the cost unreasonably low for the firm to take care of its fixed expenses. Subsequently, if variable-cost information are utilized as the reason for cost-in addition to evaluating, administrators must comprehend the requirement for higher markups to guarantee that all expenses are secured. 15-17. Quickly clarify the idea of degree of profitability pricingA normal way to deal with decide the overall revenue in cost-in addition to valuing is to put together benefit with respect to the fi rm’s target rate of return 15-18. Clarify the expression value drove costing. Target costing sets the objective expense by first deciding the cost at which an item can be sold in the commercial center. Taking away the objective overall revenue from this objective value yields the objective cost, that is, the expense at which the item should be fabricated. This basic, yet deliberately significant, relationship can communicated in the accompanying equation:Target cost = Target cost †Target benefit 15-19. For what reason is an attention on the client such a key standard of target costing? To be fruitful at target costing, the board must tune in to the company’s clients. The board needs to forcefully look for client input and afterward the items must be intended to fulfill client request and be sold at a value they are eager to pay. To put it plainly, the objective costing approach is showcase driven. 15-25. Portray the accompanying ways to deal with valuing new items : skimming evaluating, entrance estimating and target costing.Skimming valuing; which the underlying item cost is set high, and transient benefits are procured on the new item. The underlying business sector will be little, due to some extent to the high starting cost. This valuing approach regularly is utilized for one of a kind items, where there are individuals who ‘must have it’ whatever the cost. As the item picks up acknowledgment and its intrigue expands, the cost is brought down slowly. In the long run, the item is evaluated in run that interests to a few sorts of purchasers. Entrance valuing; which the underlying cost is set moderately low. By setting a low cost for another item, the administration would like to infiltrate an ew advertise profoundly, rapidly increasing an enormous piece of the pie. This estimating approach regularly is utilized for items that are of acceptable quality, yet don't stand apart as unfathomably better than contending items. Target c ost; where the organization first uses statistical surveying to decide the cost at which another item can be sold. Given the imaginable deals value, the executives processes the expense for which the item should be made so as to give the firm the expense for which the item should be made so as to furnish the firm with a worthy benefit margin.Finally, the specialists and cost investigators cooperate to structure an item that can be fabricated for the permissible expenses. This strategy is utilized broadly by organizations in the improvement phases of new items. It is anticipated since a long time ago run cost that will empower a firm to enter and stay in the market for the item and contend effectively with the firm’s contenders. 15-27. Quickly clarify the potential negative outcomes in valuing choices from utilizing a conventional, volume-based item cos
Should Richard M. Nixon visit Red China?
That is a fascinating inquiry to which one could offer numerous valid justifications to the two sides of the contention. Be that as it may, to completely analyze the choice made, one would need to take a gander at a considerable lot of the foundation data encompassing the journey. This incorporates; Nixon's ubiquity with America just as the Vietnam War, which around then presently couldn't seem to be settled, America's relationship with the Soviet Union, America's relationship with Taiwan and the Republic of China, the connection between the People's Republic of China and the Republic of China, America's past relations with China just as their doubt on Communism, and China's relationship with the world. Subsequent to concentrating each of these, one can frame a choice of whether Nixon ought to or ought not go to Red China. Richard Nixon was an amazingly disliked president. This was essentially because of the war in Vietnam that he didn't get America into. In any case, while he was not the person who got America into Vietnam he had the significant activity of getting America out, an assignment, which would take him four years, four years of discontent in America. Nixon had chosen to attack Cambodia, which had been totally beyond reach, anyway the Communist soldiers had been utilizing it as a rest zone and gracefully base1. While the attack itself was an effective activity it caused ruin back in the United States. As exhibited when 100,000 dissenters appeared in Washington D. C. to show their displeasure with the choice of invasion2. Nixon's approach of â€Å"Vietnamization†3, which included preparing Vietnamese officers to supplant American fighters, functioned admirably and by 1971 has sent numerous American soldiers back to the United States. Simultaneously Nixon likewise had his right-hand man Henry Kissinger in mystery conversation with North Vietnamese powers, examining harmony arrangements. America and North Vietnam agreed on January 27, 1973, which formally pulled back Americans from Vietnam and permitted them to accomplish â€Å"peace with honor†4. The war itself be that as it may, didn't end until April 29, 1975. This war largy affected Nixon's choice to visit Red China as China had been supporting the Communist North Vietnam powers all through the war, while America had been in Vietnams battling against them, supporting the Southern side. This made some other time for Americans to show their abhorrence and doubt of Communism. Nonetheless, China was a ground-breaking nation and if America could make great relations with them it would assist with keeping arrangements solid between the North Vietnam and America. Consequently, the war in Vietnam was something critical to consider when choosing whether Nixon should visit the Communist, Red China. America had not generally had a solid relationship with the Soviet Union. Two of the world superpowers had been at steady dread of assault by one another during the Cold War. This Cold War happened for some reasons, two being, Truman's craving to stop the spread of communism5, and the nuclear weapons that every nation had. Nonetheless, the most significant factor that made this Cold War was dread. Every nation had enormous, silly feelings of dread of the other, the Americans dreaded another tyrant attempting to assume control over the world, and the Soviets dreaded an amazing invader6. The Americans had a syndication on the nuclear weapons, and weren't sharing their insider facts; this frightened the Soviets and provoked them to make nuclear weapons of their own. Every nation was uncertain of what the other had, therefore making the consistent doubt. Additionally taking care of this dread was promulgation that every nation utilized. In America government officials were continually informing the American open concerning the dread of Communists and how everybody was in peril due to the insidious Soviet Communists arranging an attack7. The Cold War was something imperative for Nixon to consider in light of the fact that it was all the while going on and America had been communicating detested toward Communists since the start. Visiting China would be acceptable however on the grounds that it could accelerate the finish of the Cold war that they were stuck in. Likewise perceiving a Communist nation that was so near the Soviet Union would be helpful for knowledge purposes, as they would be nearer to the adversary and could improve thought of what was happening, it could likewise make the war less among Communism and America and concentrated on the Soviet Union and America. The connection between the United States and the Soviet Union in the long run eased up marginally. This began in 1952 when Nikita Kruschev visited America with discusses â€Å"peaceful coexistence†between the two countries8. At the time that he did this he had started to consider his to be China as a greater amount of a foe than America was9. Additionally at the time the Soviets had, had ongoing triumph over the Americans with the achievement of the Sputnik satellite, two years preceding the visit. This visit didn't make any extreme change or developments towards harmony between the two nations, anyway it was one acceptable advance toward the path towards â€Å"peaceful coexistence†. This gathering would be a valid justification for Nixon to go to China as it shows that two nations that accept and practice totally various types of government can in any case meet and remember each other. He would need to take pointers from this gathering of beneficial things that Kruschev did while visiting America and develop those with the goal that his gathering in China would not exclusively be effective yet profitable too, something that Kruschev's visit was definitely not. During the Cultural Revolution American supported the Nationalist, Republic of China, by giving them almost 1 billion dollars worth of weapons and other necessities10. America constrained the Nationalist party, drove by Chiang to acknowledge a portion of Stalin's requests, for example, the utilization of northern ports to extend the Russian economy. By them fulfilling these needs they were given full Soviet help, and were perceived by both America and the Soviet Union as the main China11. Having Americans helping the Nationalists especially irritated the Communist party, and they stopped harmony talks. At that point Chaing's military totally dismissed some guidance given by General Marshall, whom was later made the Secretary of State. At the point when Marshall turned into the secretary of state he would not permit America to advance intensely include itself with the Cultural Revolution. The Korean War was the first occasion when that American and Communist powers had the chance to contend. American powers were helping South Korea from the attacking, socialist North Korean soldiers. China had never proposed on going into the war, anyway when American powers kept on getting excessively near their outskirt in the expectation of assuming control over North Korea, rather than simply helping South Korea in keeping their domain. China had conveyed admonitions to them, not to draw near thus when America got excessively close, Chou En-lai, the Chinese head conveyed masses of troops, which effortlessly encompassed American and South Korean troops12. Nixon would have needed to consider this occasion before going to China since it was another occasion in which the Americans were battling against Communism just as the Chinese. Nonetheless, it is all set to China since then Nixon would have the option to show the world that America was not a bad sport, that regardless of being severely assaulted by the Chinese they were as yet ready to make relations and work towards harmony and success together. The People's Republic of China and the Republic of China had an extremely poor relationship since the time their split after the Cultural Revolution. The ROC got Taiwan as their territory just as two little islands, Quemoy and Matsu13. These two islands were near the terrain of PRC's China, which was a reality that had consistently goaded Mao. Mao attempted to take the islands forcibly with his military, anyway sadly he was fruitless as the ROC had America to help them and Mao had nobody as the Soviet Union had not come in time. This was a little occasion, yet it would be something else for Nixon to take a gander at. It would be something beneficial for America to perceive Red China, as it would be a type of statement of regret for battling against them beforehand with their adversary the ROC. It would show that America has acknowledged which China is the genuine China, which is something that would please Mao and would make him bound to be available to exchange with America. After the Cultural Revolution in China the issue of their seat in the United Nations Security Council emerged. After World War two the UN was made and five of the incredible, triumphant nations were put into changeless seats on the Security Council. These were the Soviet Union, France, Great Britain, the United States, and China. At the point when China split the People's Republic felt that they ought to supplant the Republic of China on the Security Council as they currently spoke to China. This didn't turn out well with the United States, who didn't need progressively Communist nations on the committee, likewise the United States were partners of the Nationalist China. An early arrangement was double portrayal, anyway Mao would not sit close to another China, as this gives there were two Chinas, when he was inflexible to such an extent that his China was the one and only one. 14 Albania at that point proposed to concede the People's Republic of China into the UN, and they were effective in getting the votes. This got Taiwan out of the Security Council and the People's Republic in15. The Americans were despondent about the outcomes, as they had lost face when everybody casted a ballot against Nixon's proposition of double portrayal. It would be something beneficial for Nixon to go to China and remember them since it would show that they were as yet a solid nation and that they were prepared to move past this one occurrence. By moving past it they would have the option to cooperate and concede to things, which would be useful for them two to have partners as the more partners a nation has the more impressive they become. Americans, had for quite a while totally questioned everything Communist.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Hellenization and Its Affects on the birth and spread of Christianity
Hellenization and Its Affects on the birth and spread of Christianity What is Hellenization? Hellenization is a term that is normally utilized in portraying the spread of the way of life of the antiquated Greeks just as, to a littler degree, the Greek language specifically. This issue incorporates the sign of the rate at which the way of life spread was the most elevated among all the outside countries vanquished by Greece or inside its circle of influence.Advertising We will compose a custom report test on Hellenization and Its Affects on the birth and spread of Christianity explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is significant that Alexander the Great is the verifiable figure who can be generally connected to the spread of Hellenization. His commitment to the turn of events and advancement of the Greek culture and language is done through his victories of the new grounds and different societies, along these lines empowering the spread of Hellenization inside an incredible time, which was the fourth century BC (Eraman 34). The entir e idea of this is the thing that has been alluded to as Hellenism, an investigation of antiquated Greece, in present day days. In what ways do you figure it may have influenced the birth and spread of Christianity? As it is obvious from the vast majority of the insightful articles contemplating and looking at Greek way of thinking, Hellenism was a social power that fundamentally influenced numerous terrains and nations inside the Mediterranean district. Moreover, basing on the way that Christianity emerged, created and got a wide spread in the nations along the Mediterranean zone, there are a great deal of motivations to accept that Hellenism contributed a lot to its development and ensuing spread. In his book, Brief Introduction to the New Testament, Bart Ehrman (45) contends that most of the early Christians demanded getting a few thoughts from the Greek social world just as chapel terms are gotten from the Greek language. The components that made the early Christians address to t he Greek culture and language might be clarified in the accompanying manner. So as to enable the primary preachers to convey and spread the gospel to the individuals who encompass them, they chose to utilize the language that would be comprehended by a wide greater part of individuals who might be seen as a future assembly of another creating religion. In addition, to draw in more church individuals, the early Christians used to execute a few perspectives and thoughts of Greek culture to their proliferation. Therefore, they caused the outsider religion to turn out to be nearer and progressively reasonable to the individuals with the Greek affected vision of life. In that capacity, Hellenistic philosophies step by step penetrated into the Christian setting. Indeed, Bart Erman contends that the exceptional and notable Greek logicians, for example, Plato, Aristotle, just as some others, extraordinarily affected on just as amazingly added to the advancement of the belief systems that ar e spoken to in the New Testament (78). Ehrman, Bart. A Brief Introduction to the New Testament. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2009. Print.Advertising Looking for report on religion religious philosophy? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Monday, August 3, 2020
Book Riots Deals of the Day for October 16th, 2019
Book Riot’s Deals of the Day for October 16th, 2019 Sponsored by Dark Pattern by Andrew Mayne. These deals were active as of this writing, but may expire soon, so get them while they’re hot! Todays Featured Deals The Devil’s Star by Jo Nesbø for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom by Don Miguel Ruiz for $1.68. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. A Brief History of Seven Killings by Marlon James for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. In Case You Missed Yesterdays Most Popular Deals The Collector’s Apprentice by B. A. Shapiro for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. The Friend by Sigrid Nunez for $1.99. Get it here, or just click on the cover image below. Previous Daily Deals That Are Still Active As Of This Writing (Get em While Theyre hot!): Dare to Love a Duke by Eva Leigh for $1.99. Prime Meridian by Silvia Moreno-Garcia for $3.99. The Science of Discworld by Terry Pratchett, Ian Stewart and Jack Cohen for $2.99. The Walls Around Us by Nova Red Suma for $1.99. Foe: A Novel by Iain Reid for $1.99. Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Cant Stop Talking by Susan Cain for $2.99. Silver Phoenix by Cindy Pon for $2.99. City of Bones by Martha Wells for $2.99. The Swallows by Lisa Lutz for $1.99. Dr. Strange Beard by Penny Reid for $1.99 Under the Knife by Tess Gerritsen for $2.99 Antelope Woman by Louise Erdrich for $1.99 Borne by Jeff VanderMeer for $2.99. Chocolat by Joanne Harris for $1.99. Lord John and the Private Matter by Diana Gabaldon for $1.99 The Betel Nut Tree Mystery by Ovidia Yu for $3.99 Bird Box by Josh Malerman for $2.99. Medium Raw by Anthony Bourdain for $2.99. The Interestings by Meg Wolitzer for $1.99. Plenty by Yotam Ottolenghi for $2.99. Confessions of a Funeral Director by Caleb Wilde for $1.99. The Secrets Between Us by Thrity Umrigar for $1.99. 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Sunday, June 28, 2020
Great Expectations
There is no doubt as to what is in the minds of most high school students as they go to sleep every night: I have too much to do. Tests, projects and extracurricular activities are the ingredients of the perfect recipe for being well-rounded ... or for having a mental breakdown. This recipe is what colleges expect, and I think they expect too much.It is good, of course, to be well-rounded. After all, what college wouldn’t accept someone who is a star athlete, class president and a straight A student? They worship the well-rounded student. Why shouldn’t colleges train someone to be next year’s MVP in basketball as well as a future Nobel Prize winner? If colleges look for this, why shouldn’t we give it to them? In addition to taking four or five AP classes, we must join as many clubs to balance out the classes and provide an outlet for our stress. Hence, we’ll have little stress without seeming too frivolous to AP-obsessed colleges. That’s sou nd reasoning, right? After all, colleges are only trying to recruit the best students, and we can’t blame them if they see reaching this goal with only well-rounded students. We can only blame ourselves for earning straight A’s, having leadership skills, and possessing athletic and musical ability as well as three or four years’ worth of a foreign language. But I have one question: Why sell ourselves to these universities just to become Play-Doh in their hands and molded into their creations? Why deprive ourselves of sleep to study for an exam that tests material that won’t matter years from now? Because it’s what everyone else is doing. Being well-rounded is a standard. If universities are willing to buy and if we are willing to sell, there is little we can do to change that. There is absolutely nothing wrong with taking AP classes, or holding offices in clubs, but do we plan to graduate from college with quadruple majors? Not to mention, what hap pens when these clubs become a chore? What if we’re tied to a club that has its own share of â€Å"homework†even though we’re already married to our schoolwork, for better or worse? That’s bigamy! Besides cheating the club and our GPA’s, we also cheat ourselves when we take on more than we can handle. Is giving each of two activities 50 percent of our effort the equivalent of giving one activity 100 percent? Isn’t our duty to ourselves more important than a university’s expectations?Being well-rounded is admirable, but also an unnecessary trait that too many of us try to attain. If colleges ignored extracurricular activities, work experience, and community service, which would we do? Perhaps none. However, expectations compel us to try to succeed in everything, placing us all in a situation that inevitably results in a dusty box marked PERSONAL OBLIGATIONS, lying untouched in each of our minds’ attics in an obscure corner fill ed with cobwebs. Unfortunately, we can only try to meet such expectations to the best of our abilities - but not to the extent of our abilities. Talents cannot be nurtured if we attempt everything. Just as there are colleges out there that look for well-rounded students, there are also those that look for lopsided students, like the jock who doesn’t know what a comma is but can kick a field goal anytime. We must write our own recipes for success, adding ingredients to make a batch of achievements that are important to us. With such a recipe, we can taste our own success, no matter how well-rounded or lopsided colleges think we’ll turn out.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Interactive Advertisement The Goals Of Interactive...
In today’s world we have so many different ways we can advertise the products we are selling or if we need to let people know of an activity that is coming up. Every day there are new technologies introduced to the world. We always want to know what the next new thing is if we aren’t buying it, we are reading about it on the advertisement that they release of the new product. We read about the product on the interactive advertisement that they have posted. What is interactive advertisement and what are the goals of interactive advertising? Why do consumers use an interactive advertisement? What elements make it happen? â€Å"Stepping into the shoes†of the consumers is one of the main things that people need to think about when they see the†¦show more content†¦I hope this campaign can make its way to America and we can make it worldwide (2015). What are the advantages and disadvantages of interactive advertisement? The advantages are that it allows consumers to interpret advertisement in unique ways. It lets a consumers to see that they play a role in determining the value of marketing. Encourages consumer to engage themselves, it also lets them explore all the different ways they can make their designs better and get the products out into the world. The consumers build relationships with the product or the campaign. When a consumer is making a product they become close and personal with it. It becomes part of their lives so when it goes out into the world the consumers want to make it as popular as it can be. If we think about the advantages we can see that the advertisements bring humor and joy because they are the most important aspects of all interactive marketing campaigns. The humor part of it influences the people’s behaviors in a positive way. They are located on the left side of our brain which is the side that is used for logic, analyzing etc. The right side which deals with emotional such as humor. It makes sense that the information is relayed to make comedy means that the information saved across both side of the brain. The public can relate to the brands on a more personal and memorable level (March 25). They make it a social interaction too. Another interactive advertisement that is locatedShow MoreRelatedBrief Literature Review on Online Advetising884 Words  | 4 PagesOnline advertising Peter J. Danaher and Guy W. Mullarkey have published their research article entitled â€Å"Factors Affecting Online Advertising Recall : A Study of Students†. In this research article we examine factors that might impact on web advertising recall and recognition. 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