Monday, September 30, 2019
Knowledge Is Power Essay
In all honesty, prior to reading Jake Helpern’s articles and meeting him in person, I thought he was some older white guy with a slightly boring style of writing as well as being even more boring in person, but somehow everyone else finds his work fascinating. But since I needed some extra credit points, I took on the challenge of the assignment. Glad to announce my notions of Jake Helpern were totally wrong. Reading Jake Helpern’s articles were like reading a well written novel. His stories had flare, suspense, character, drama and even a touch of sorrow and empathy. For the most part his articles were not just engaging but also very informative. Content versus Form, Content wins. In person, Jake appeared to be just one of the guys. Nothing fancy about himself, very humble and charismatic. After listening to Jake speak briefly about his life, family and his pursuit of his innate being, you can tell he’s sincere and dedicated to his craft and family. Jake was also instrumental in terms of being relative due to his Western New York origins. He can relate to Buffalonians and our struggle as a city in a financial crisis, where one side of the city’s future is in question while another side of the city’s future looks lucrative. If the question is posed if Jake’s articles are a considered artwork, I would agree and disagree. The two articles we covered in class, I believe Jake wrote them with an artistic style of writing. To me, artwork is anything not ephemeral. Jake’s articles can be preserved, but not on the same scale as the Great Pyramids of Egypt or the Tajmahal in India. However, his articles can also be considered non-fiction. Through this experience, I pondered on becoming a writer. I learned academically as well as personal discovery of myself. If Jake were to return to speak again, I’m there.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Social Responsibility Theory
Social Responsibility Theory To combat the pressures that threatened freedom of the press, this theory was first introduced in 1947 and was recommended by the Hutchins Commission on Freedom of the Press. It stated that the media should serve the public, and in order to do so, should remain free of government interference. It defined guidelines that the media should follow in order to fulfill its obligation of serving the public. Ethics and the Media The Social Responsibility Theory claimed that the media could be self-regulating by adhering to the following precepts: †¢ Media has obligations to fulfill to a democratic society in order to preserve freedom. †¢ Media should be self-regulated. †¢ Media should have high standards for professionalism and objectivity, as well as truth and accuracy. †¢ Media should reflect the diversity of the cultures they represent. †¢ The public has a right to expect professional performance. The proponents of this theory had strong faith in the public’s ability to determine right and wrong, and take action to preserve the public good when necessary. ) The social responsibility does not only fall upon the reporters and producers of media. The responsibility also falls to the consumers to become media literate and maintain high, yet reasonable expectations of the media. In theory, if these things happen, there will be no need for government intervention. The Social Resp onsibility Theory was set forth as the ideal way for the media to conduct business. Over the years since its introduction, this theory has met with much criticism as well as support. It has become the standard for United States media practices. It has also set the standards for much of the currently accepted media ethics. [pic] [pic]Since the Hutchins Commission produced its famous theory, the United States has developed better educated journalists, seen a reduction in news sensationalism and enjoyed more accuracy in reporting. Many journalists are now also advocates for the public and for social issues and reform, getting heir messages out through the media. Read more at Suite101: What is the Social Responsibility Theory? : Written by the Hutchins Commission on Freedom of the Press http://press-freedom. suite101. com/article. cfm/what_is_the_social_responsibility_theory#ixzz0hYd9u8dH Social responsibility Social responsibility is an ethical or ideological theory that an entity whether it is a government, corporation, organization or individual has a responsibility to society at large. This responsibility can be â€Å"negative†, meaning there is exemption from blame or liability, or it can be â€Å"positive,†meaning there is a responsibility to act beneficently (proactive stance). Businesses can use ethical decision making to secure their businesses by making decisions that allow for government agencies to minimize their involvement with the corporation. (Kaliski, 2001) For instance if a company is proactive and follows the United States Environmental Protection Agency? EPA) guidelines for emissions on dangerous pollutants and even goes an extra step to get involved in the community and address those concerns that the public might have; they would be less likely to have the EPA investigate them for environmental concerns. â€Å"A significant element of current thinking about privacy, however, stresses â€Å"self-regulation†rather than market or government mechanisms for protecting personal information†(Swire , 1997) Most rules and reg ulations are formed due to public outcry, if there is not outcry there often will be limited regulation. Critics argue that Corporate social responsibility (CSR) distracts from the fundamental economic role of businesses; others argue that it is nothing more than superficial window-dressing; others argue that it is an attempt to pre-empt the role of governments as a watchdog over powerful multinational corporations (Carpenter, Bauer, & Erdogan, 2009). Socially responsible Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also known as corporate responsibility, corporate citizenship, responsible business, sustainable responsible (SRB), or corporate social performance,[1] is a form of corporate self-regulation integrated into a business model. Ideally, CSR policy would function as a built-in, self-regulating mechanism whereby business would monitor and ensure their adherence to law, ethical standards, and international norms. Business would embrace responsibility for the impact of their activities on the environment, consumers, employees, communities, stockholders and all other members of the public sphere For each business, different measures are taken in consideration to classify a business as â€Å"socially responsible†. Each business attempts to reach different goals. There are four areas that should be measured regardless of the outcome needed: Economic function, Quality of life, Social investment and Problem solving. [citation needed] that is trying to be achieved should be measured to see if it meets with the cost guidelines that the business is willing to contribute. [edit] Emerging Normative Status of Social Responsibility Social responsibility as a non-binding, or soft law principle has received some normative status in relation to private and public corporations in the United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Universal Declation on Bioethics and Human Rights developed by the UNESCO International Bioethics Committee particularly in relation to child and maternal welfare. (Faunce and Nasu 2009) The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) is developing an international standard to provide guidelines for adopting and disseminating social responsibility: ISO 26000 – Social Responsibility. Due for publication in 2010, this standard will â€Å"encourage voluntary commitment to social responsibility and will lead to common guidance on concepts, definitions and methods of evaluation. †(ISO, 2009) The standard describes itself as a guide for dialogue and action, not a constraining or certifiable management standard. Social Responsibility |[pi|Practiced in the US in the 20th century | |c] | |[pi|Purpose is to inform, entertain, sell, but also to raise conflict to the plane of discussion | |c] | | |[pi|Ownership is private | |c] | | The social responsibility theory is an outgrowth of the libertarian theory. However, social responsibility goes beyond â€Å"objective†reporting to â€Å"interpretive†reporting. A truthful, complete account of the news is not necessarily enough today, notes the Commission on the Freedom of the Press: â€Å"It is no longer enough to report the fact [pic]truthfully. It is now necessary to report the truth about the fact. †Today's complex world often necessitates analysis, explanation, and interpretation. As the Commission stated in 1940: The emerging theory does not deny the rationality of man, although it puts far less confidence in it than the libertarian theory, but it does seem to deny that man is innately motivated to search for truth and to accept it as his guide. Under the social responsibility theory, man is viewed not so much irrational as lethargic. He is capable of using his reason but he is loath to do so. If man is to remain free, he must live by reason instead of passively accepting what he sees, hears, and feels. Therefore, the more alert elements of the community must goad him into the exercise of his reason. Without such goading man is not likely to be moved to seek truth. The languor which keeps him from using his gift of reason extends to all public discussion. Man's aim is not to find truth but to satisfy his immediate needs and desires. It is the press, therefore, that must be the â€Å"more alert element†and keep the public informed, for an informed populace is the cornerstone of democracy. Today's large media conglomerates, however, may not function naturally as a public forum, where all ideas are shared and available. â€Å"The owners and managers of the press determine which persons, which facts, which versions of these facts, shall reach the public,†writes the Commission. In this same light, Siebert, Peterson and Schramm warn: †¦ he power and near monopoly position of the media impose on them an obligation to be socially responsible, to see that all sides are fairly presented and that the public has enough information to decide; and that if the media do not take on themselves such responsibility it may be necessary for some other agency of the public to enforce it. The Canons of Journalism, adopted by the America n Society of Newspaper Editors addresses these same obligations when it calls on newspapers to practice responsibility to the general welfare, sincerity, truthfulness, impartiality, fair play, decency, and respect for the individual's privacy. Siebert, Peterson and Schramm also note that â€Å"freedom of expression under the social responsibility theory is not an absolute right, as under pure libertarian theory†¦. One's right to free expression must be balanced against the private rights of others and against vital social interests. †For example, it likely would not be socially responsible to report how the terrorist, using some new method, evaded security measures and smuggled a bomb onto a commercial airline.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Knee Injury Medical Treatment Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Knee Injury Medical Treatment - Case Study Example SH: the patient is the first born in a family of three siblings. Lives with the parents and two brothers. She is in college and is a sportswoman has been playing football since elementary schools, it has become her hobby as well as the reason she obtained a scholarship in the college. Her mother is a nurse while the father works as lecturer at a local college.O/E: The patient appears to be in pain (Davies et al. 2011, p.8). The knee appears deformed. The patella bone is visible towards the inner side of the thigh, medial and superiorly to the knee joint. Cannot move the affected leg which have started to swell around the knee joint. She is literary guarding any attempt to touch the affected leg.ROM: There is intense pain in each movement of the knee joint affected by the injury. Active: Flexion- Intense and unbearable painExtension: intense pain Abduction-, intense painAdduction- intense painMedial Rotation- intense painPassive: Flexion- intense painExtension- intense painAbduction- intense painAdduction- pain free movementMedial Rotation- intense painResistive: intense painExtension- intense painAbduction- intense painMedial Rotation- intense painPhysical assessment shows no other abnormality.Impression: Total Right knee-cap dislocation.Plan: Immobilise the knee joint. Prepare for x-ray to identify the position of the patella. Apply strong anti-inflammatory agents to reduce swelling.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Torts and personal injury law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Torts and personal injury law - Essay Example Any party is allowed to move in for summary judgment. The judge may also decide his own to initiate a summary judgment. This not like the partial motion where to discuss information pertaining the affidavits or the interrogative answering of question but instead the court usually carry oral arguments where the court will considered all the evidence that are admissible at the trial under the rules of evidence to support the motion that will be presented in the court. The purpose of summary judgment is to avoid unnecessary trial that involve party. The family should have established two facts before prevailing a motion for summary judgment. One there must be no genuine issue of material fact and two the other party must be entitled to judgment as matter of law. Where the procedural device used during litigation should expeditiously disposed of a case without trial       QSN 3.Briefly state the facts of this case, using the information found in the case in LexisNex is. (5 points)FACTSThere was no genuine issues of material loss that warranted for the since the only incidence was Evelyn burning on her right leg by the coffee when she tested if it to see if it was hot. Cristopher was also burned and treated for with secondary degree burns. It was Nedel who sued the owner of the Burgher King on behalf of Cristopher for the claim that the coffee served was defectively made without prior warning of it being hot to an extend it can burn. The owner of the Burgher King went for the summary judgment to avoid unnecessary trial.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Synopsis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Synopsis - Essay Example He laments that he has been tricked the second time, but cannot face the group and confront them. As a way of getting rid of the shame, he walks alone in the streets while onlookers turn to stare at him. He looks devastated and confused. He feels empty, lonely but lacks the courage to join the group. Finally, the group approaches the fool still lamenting. He accepts to join them in the vehicle and feels appreciated. Together they sing that it was difficult to comprehend the future occurrences. Moreover, the boy acted like a coward for he was not able to face his colleagues, though he desired to belong. Thus, the video ends when the five boys become a group and appreciate the nerd. He smiles as the others join him to sing, â€Å"Fool again†. They hence form a strong bond of five boys, ready to tackle the obstacles that face them as a group. Therefore, the fool is able to transform after being approached and embraced by the group of gangsters (Miller, Vandome & John,
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Wannsee conference, was it the place where the final solution was Research Paper
Wannsee conference, was it the place where the final solution was decided - Research Paper Example Essentially, Hitler’s regime had decided to exterminate the entire global population of the Jews. This would be the second time the Jews were facing persecution in Europe. The first significant period of persecution has to be the period of the Black Deaths. This is the time when they were perceived to be the ones accountable for the extensive spread of the plague. Apparently, they achieved this by poisoning the water. During this period, the Jews were suffering the persecutions as the only victims of continental rage. However, during the Holocaust, aside from the Jews, the disabled, the homosexuals, gypsies and at times twins were the recipients of these persecutions. These cleansing expeditions by the Nazis resulted in approximately six million deaths. This is aside from the emotional torture that it subjected to those who were lucky enough not to die. The extensive damage to the human race attributed to the Holocaust is as a result of proper planning by a team of German inte llectuals. The meeting in which they designed and formulated the strategy of this genocide is referred to as the Wannsee Conference. It is the ambition of this paper to give an extensive view of this Conference. This will be realized through the study of seven texts that focus on this Conference. Analysis Gerlach, Christina. "The Wannsee Conference, the Fate of German Jews, and Hitler's Decision in Principle to Exterminate All European Jews." The Journal Of Modern History, 1998: 759-812. The Wannsee Conference has been highlighted as the place where the decision of cleansing Europe of Jews took place. However, what has not been highlighted upon is the political pressure that had characterized Germany prior to the Holocaust. Gerlach illustrates this by stating the political pressure Hitler faced: â€Å" Hitler was reacting to political impulses and initiatives that originated from within the administration and within the party apparatus.†1 According to the author, the Conferen ce had not been mandated with the extermination of the entire Jewish population rather, the Conference had been purposed to decide on who to classify as a Jew. This is crucial given the fact that the Holocaust persecuted not only the Jews, but the homosexuals, the gypsies, the disabled and t extreme levels also twins. This is a rather astounding given the fact that the initial decision was only to cleanse Europe of Jews. The world has over time insinuated that Hitler acted alone in his narcissistic acts of dehumanization. However, Gerlach gives evidence that the political structure of Germany was all a long instrumental in the actions. She writes of the actions of Hitler in deporting the eastern Jews as being as direct urging by the political structure. Author cites documents that are believed to have originated from the Hitler administration showing aliasing of ideas on how to deal, best, with the Jewish community. In light of this, the fact that the idea of exterminating the was d irectly and only from the Hitler becomes suspect. The Conference proceedings were established with the primary motive of deliberating on vital political and economic issues that were pertinent to Germany at the time. To give additional evidence of the vital nature of the Conference, the author illustrates that Hitler approved the deportation of the Jews2. If he was the one who orchestrated all the terrors that were realized due to this continental discrimination, then he would have simply carried
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Drones for Domestic video surveillance Research Paper
Drones for Domestic video surveillance - Research Paper Example The demand for unarmed drones in the United States has increased over the years. Many people are enthusiastic about the operations of drones and their ability to collect data in a discreet manner. The demand for drone has led to the emergence of many drone-manufacturing industries. In America, drones are popular, and any persons can own one due to their cheap price. In fact, an average drone costs very much less than manned aircraft (Bennet 2). The government, through the FAA, has stepped in to regulate drone usage in the country. In this regard, drone usage is safe and should be embraced by Americans. There are mixed reactions regarding the use of drones America. People supporting drone usage argue that unarmed drones are harmless and do not threaten the security of the country. One of the benefits of drones on the homeland is that they are instrumental in crime investigation (Slag 12). Often, police face complex situations that may require a birds-eye view. The drones are discreet in their operations and hence can be useful for security apparatus. For example, the police can use drones in assessing the situation in a protest and identify the criminal activities and the perpetrators. In this regard, drones are essential in maintenance of law and order. A typical surveillance role of drones that assist in enforcement of law and order is the monitoring of movements across the border. Drones are useful in search and rescue operations in disaster hit areas. The country has experienced dire situations in the form of hurricanes, typhoons, and wildfires. Drone technology is useful in surveillance of areas that are beyond the reach of humans. The drones take pictures and videos and relays them to the relevant authorities. As such, the authorities can take action to rescue people under duress in case of disasters and also assess the level of damage. Opponents of drone usage in
Monday, September 23, 2019
English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 6
English - Essay Example In the poem â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud†a man described himself floating with the clouds in the daytime on the bank of a lake in a field of daffodils. The man wished to share a serene scene of peacefulness so the reader can understand his feelings. The reader can feel the inner contentment of the author. This poem paints the picture of peacefulness that can come from a simple view in one’s mind of a field of flowers once saw. The man of this poem imagined he is lonely, floating like a cloud. In his loneliness, the character found a multitude of golden daffodils by a lake underneath a grove of trees. The flowers waved in the wind, looking like they were dancing. From up above the daffodils looked endless. The water gleamed brightly, but the flowers out shone the water with its beauty. The man had to be elated at the sight of these daffodils. Whenever the man feels sad and alone, he thought of the dancing daffodils, immediately feeling better. William Wordsworth’s poem imbues the ideal of a character soothing their unrest with a image of nature. Although the man in the poem was lonely, he craved others. Yet if a person is depressed, lonely, hurt, or even angry the cause is normally another person. That makes this poem more sensible. There are no better friends than daffodils. Flowers cannot hurt you. Thus this beautiful dream helped the character to meditate into a better mood every time he imagined it.. â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud†is an example of how the meditation allowed this man to cheer himself up in solitude. This poem is a prime example of fixating on an imagined time and place to make oneself feel better. A popular technique used by numerous people all over the world. This is what makes â€Å"The Daffodil†enjoyable to read. Most people can identify with the sentiments expressed by the author. Readers have experienced the feelings of bad, loneliness, and distrust of their fellow humans. William
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Oracle 11i features Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Oracle 11i features - Essay Example The features are explained based on the different applications present in the suite. The purpose of each feature, their advantage over previous versions and other similar products are detailed here. A brief description of each feature in its previous versions is provided in order to understand each and every feature, better. Finally, a brief description of the outcomes that were achieved through the use of different features of Oracle11i is provided. Oracle Business Suite 11i is commonly referred to as Oracle 11i. Here, "I" represents the application in internet from which it is accessible to anyone, anywhere. Oracle introduced this version after integrating enterprise application software. E-business suite has a significant expansion in functionality, scalability, usability and reduced cost of ownership. Oracle E-business is a powerful suite of applications that provides the organization with better business information for effective decision making and enables an adaptive enterprise for optimal responsiveness. It is comprised of a number of critical applications designed to help businesses become more productive and successful. E-business suite provides comprehensive security policy enforcement and access control for the applications on the network. (Mathews et., al. 2005). 11i suite saves time and improves customer service by automating common supply chain operations that had to be performed manually using earlier versions of Oracle applications. E-business suite deploys on an infrastructure that mixes J2EE elements with Oracle forms and PL/SQL elements. Oracle11i supports synchronous and asynchronous integration approaches, integration of both internal and external applications and use of standards. Oracle11i applications use a three tiered internet computing architecture. This architecture distributes the services on a network to support the processing load. The three tiers of the architecture include database tier, which constitutes an Oracle 8i database; the application tier manages Oracle ERP applications and eliminates the need to install application software on each system; desktop tier provides a plug-in for a browser-based user interface over a network. (Mathews et., al. 2005). The two main components in Oracle's E-business suite are ERP and CRM. Forms Server Forms server runs on the application tier and it is the intermediary between the forms client and the database. They exchange message through a normal network connection. The presentation runs in any Java enabled browser. It manages the downloading, startup and execution of forms client which displays Apps screens, co-ordinates multi window interaction and validation features. It is possible to run multiple forms servers to do load balancing among the network nodes. Http Server HTTP server contains two integral modules which enable the server to perform its functionality. Oracle Self-Service Web Application Oracle self-service web application allows users to perform fast entering, updating and transferring of information within an organization and within an application. Customers can enter orders or perform collection inquiries through this interface and its components. It is designed for secure, self-service business transactions across an intranet or over the internet. Oracle self-servic
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Types of chocolate Essay Example for Free
Types of chocolate Essay Do you like chocolate? How many times do you eat chocolates in a day? Some people like to eat chocolates, some are even obsessed with them. Some people don’t like chocolates because those people think that they will make them fat. Some people just don’t like chocolates, without any clear reason. I believe that chocolate has many benefits which we can’t underestimate. Chocolate is a raw or processed food produced from the seed of the tropical Theobroma cacao tree. It is Greek for â€Å"drink of Gods†. Cacao has been cultivated for at least three millennia in Mexico, Central and South America. Its earliest documented use is around 1100 BC. Chocolate has to be processed from cocoa to be the chocolates we know. Most chocolates are brown-colored, even though there’s a variant of chocolate with white color called â€Å"white chocolate†. Chocolates come in many forms, for example, â€Å"chocolate bar†, â€Å"chocolate wafer†, â€Å"chocolate stick†, and so on. I personally like chocolate bars or chocolate balls. Chocolates have wide range of prices and you can find them in many places. There are chocolates which are very inexpensive, there are also chocolates that are costly. Chocolates are also easy to get, we can find chocolates everywhere. I love chocolates that are very delicious but not too expensive. Chocolates are very close to our life, we often eat them to gain pleasure. Chocolates are one of the most popular holiday gifts. The International Chocolate Day is observed on 13 September. Actually, chocolates have many benefits. That’s why we should not underestimate the power of chocolates. First, chocolate functions as remedy. In Harry Potter films, to heal Dementor’s Kiss, one must eat chocolates. Dementor is a creature in Harry Potter world that can absorb a person’s happiness by â€Å"kissing†them. We can say that Dementor is the manifestation of sadness and sorrow, while chocolates are the manifestation of happiness and joy. So, metaphorically, it says that to lessen sadness, we should eat chocolates. This thing is true because eating chocolates release endorphins in our brain, which can make us feel happier and more relaxed. Chocolate is a good stress-buster, it contains valeric acid that can immediately relax our muscles and nervous system. In my personal experience, when I eat chocolates, I feel satisfied. Second, chocolate can make us more beautiful. In fact, nutritionists claim that there are certain types of chocolate that can make our skin look more healthy and radiant. The high content of flavonoid in dark chocolate can moisturize and make our skin naturally shining and smooth. This ingredient can also absorb UV that can contribute to a better blood flow. There is also a chocolate-based mask, it’s believed that using chocolate mask can prevent wrinkles. Third, chocolate is beneficial for our health. Dark chocolate has been shown in studies to lower blood pressure in people with elevated blood pressure. Eating dark chocolate on a regular basis has been shown to reduce LDL cholesterol (unhealthy cholesterol) by as much as one percent. Several studies have found chocolates to be one of the best cancer-fighting foods. Chocolate works as cancer fighters by inhibiting cell division and reducing inflammation. Fourth, Chocolate makes us smarter. Again, it’s that increased blow flow to the brain. One recent study revealed that seniors who ate chocolate reported sharper cognitive ability for several a hours after eating it. According to a study done by the Department of Nutrition at the University of Oslo in Norway, people who regularly eat chocolate scored higher on cognitive tests than those who didn’t report eating as much chocolate. Fifth, Chocolate can unite people. Most people like chocolates. I usually share my chocolates to people, and they like them. Sharing can provoke happiness, sharing chocolates can make people happy and satisfied. But, there are a few cautions that we need to know when we want to eat chocolates. It doesn’t mean that we have to stop eating chocolates, but we just have to control it. There are limits in every human’s life, and eating chocolate has some limits too. First, chocolate can be addictive. If we’re addicted to chocolate, any kind of chocolates, it’s most likely that we will spend your money to buy it. We need to know that our money can be spent on many useful things like buying other healthy foods. Second, chocolate is a little bit dangerous. It’s high in oxalate which can cause kidney stones. According to sciencedirect. com, fifteen samples of commercially available cocoa powder were collected from four different countries, the total oxalate contents ranged from 360 to 567 mg/100 g DM. Oxalate is also found in spinach and almonds. Third, 50% of all chocolate, cocoa and chocolate flavoring is harvested by slaves, many of them are children. The cruelty of humanity is inserted in form of chocolate. Using slaves is very wrong, it’s a degradation of humanity. Those children aren’t able to get freedom. As humans, we should have empathy toward those child slaves. There are ways to overcome these obstacles in consuming chocolate. So, we don’t need to worry about consuming chocolate. First, eat other healthy foods other than chocolates. Our body needs much nutrition and chocolate can’t replace those foods. Focus on eating nutritious foods like fruits, vegetables or fish. We can spend our money on buying those healthy foods. Second, don’t eat it too much. I’m sure that chocolate isn’t that dangerous because it’s allowed to be eaten worldwide. And oxalate is also found in other kind of foods like spinach and almonds, but those foods are still eaten by people. So, I think we can still eat chocolate. But, just in case, don’t eat it too much. Third, eat chocolate from organic chocolate companies and fair-trade chocolate companies. Fair-trade is an organized social movement that aims to help producers in developing countries to make better trading conditions and promote sustainability. Organic chocolate is linked to fair trade because most organic chocolate companies also support fair trade. Fair-trade chocolate companies don’t employ children to be their workers. Organic chocolate/fair-trade chocolate may be more expensive than regular chocolate, but I think it’s worth it. Because we don’t need to eat happily while the child slaves are suffering. So, chocolate is very good to eat because it has many advantages. But, chocolate also has some disadvantages. There are ways to overcome these disadvantages. We can eat chocolate but we have to control the consumption of it. We should also eat chocolate from organic chocolate companies and fair-trade chocolate companies.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Literature review on Critical and Reflective learning
Literature review on Critical and Reflective learning The following literature review will focus on the concept of critical and reflective learning. Critical and reflective learning is used the world over in various academic institutions and in professional practice. Firstly it would be imperative that critical reflection is defined. Following on from this a discussion shall take place around the various frameworks and theories offered by various theorists on the subject. Finally a critical review of the underlying thinking which underlies much of the policy making process in Ireland will be undertaking. There are various definitions used to explain the process of critical reflection. At a very basic level, critical reflection (CR) occurs when and individual questions either their own ideas or the ideas of another. However as Van Woerkom (2010) suggests there are many different schools of thought on what is involved in the critical reflection process. For example the ideological form of critical reflection would focus on challenging and questioning dominant or unjust ideologies. The psychoanalytical school of CR is focused more on the individual and involves the reframing of personal issues or problems. The analytical model of CR is the process of mentally analysing arguments in the hope of guiding ones beliefs or actions. Finally the pragmatist constructivism school of CR relates to the evaluation of various forms of information in an attempt to provide a solution, while at the same time recognising that the solution itself is open to further questioning (Van Woerkom, 2010). What se ems obvious from these definitions is the fact that the questioning and reflection of a perceived reality at both a societal and personal level are fundamental in each process. Furthermore it seems apparent that the issues that each school is addressing can all impact upon one another. For instance it could be argued that the psychological wellbeing of an individual could be greatly influenced by the dominant ideology within a society. Addressing only the psychological issues with the psychoanalytical approach may prove fruitless, if societal influences causing psychological distress are not addressed. Various theorists have dissected the critical reflection process on a much deeper level. Dewey in ((1933, in Boud et al,1994)suggests that reflection is the process of an individual recapturing their experience, thinking about it and assessing it. He believed that reflection was initiated by an inner uneasiness caused by an individual becoming disillusioned with their current reality. Reflection may also be instigated by a positive experience. The individual may wish to learn what worked in the positive experience, in order to repeat the behaviour that brought about the positive experience. Deweys main focus was centred on the notion that reflection is a highly rational exercise which is based in an evidence based approach which focused on skills and attitudes. However as various authors suggest Deweys focus on skills and attitudes is limited and fails to allow for the affective (emotional) element involved in the learning process ( Boud et al, 1994, Rawson, 2000). Another limiting aspect of Deweys theory was the presumption that one would first have to make a mistake in order to learn from it. Kolb Fry (1975) believed that for effective learning to occur the learner would have to complete a cycle of learning, broken down into four stages: Concrete experience, observation and reflection, forming abstract concepts, testing them in new situations. In essence, an individual begins the learning process by becoming involved in a new experience, which they then reflect upon internally in order to make sense of the experience. The individual then hypothesises about different theories and then applies such theories in new situations. It should be noted that an individual may start in any stage and switch between these stages. And many learners may only use two of the stages, depending upon their learning style (Kolb Fry 1975 ). Donald Schon (1995) has built upon Deweys concept by introducing the idea of double looped learning. He suggested that the majority of learning in everyday life occurred at a level where individuals used previous held values and assumptions to inform their present action (single looped learning). However Double Looped learning involves a deeper level of reflection where individuals question these values and assumptions and subject them to critical investigation. . Agryis (1999) uses an analogy of how a thermostat responds to room temperature by turning on the heat if the room gets to cold and turning it off when it gets to warm. The thermostat responds by receiving signals from the room temperature. He contended that this equated to a human being receiving positive or negative signals about their actions and then changing their actions (Single loop learning). Going back to the thermostat analogy, double looped learning would ask the question, why the room got too hot or cold in the f irst place. The same goes for human beings when they question the underlying assumptions which informed their actions in the first place. Such learning is not limited to the individual and such learning could be applied to organisations and society (Agryis, 1999), However as Rawson (2000) suggests, many institutions seem to treat intellect as absolute and dont allow for the questioning necessary in the critical reflection process. He goes on to suggest that society works on a basis of having power over, rather than power with. He believed that such an approach was evident in many educational institutions. He advocates the notion of learning to learn where the relevance of various aspects of knowledge continued to be questioned and challenged. Rawson argues that knowledge is not a final product and contends that the meaning and understanding process is more important than the end product. His analysis is closely linked with the teachings of Paulo Friere. Frieres (1998) CR theory was rooted firmly in the ideological school of thought. He believed the educational system served to reproduce the status quo which was influenced by the dominant ideological discourse. He was of the opinion that educators should challenge the status quo through challenging students to question the dominant discourse, which he believed served to reproduce inequalities. He stressed the importance of dialogue within the education system, as he believed without dialogue; true education could not take place. Hooks (1994) captures the notion of education without dialogue when she speaks of her experience as an undergraduate and graduate student. She suggests that the majority of lecturers used the classroom as an avenue to exert their view of the world upon students. Friere (1998) did not advocate a non directive approach to education, however he did stress it should be the process and not the student that should be directed. Friere (1998) recognised that each stu dent had their own unique life experience and contended that the students experience was invaluable in the learning experience. Very basically Friere (1998) was of the opinion that education was more about enabling students to question and challenge the commonly held knowledge within society. Meizrow (1994) also spoke about reflection in terms of transformation. Mezirow (1994) described reflective learning as a process in which the learner has to consider or reconsider certain assumptions they may hold about themselves or the world. He argued that the most effective reflection occurred when the learner discovers their assumptions to be in some way weakened. It causes the learner to look at reasons why their assumptions have caused them to reach decisions or to react in a certain way and to maybe re-evaluate their assumptions. He explained that when the learner accepts that their past assumptions may have been incorrect they have created a transformative space and within that space they can be open to engaging in new-found knowledge. This, he believes, can lead to a deeper level of reflective practice. As mentioned earlier emotions can play an important part in such a process Boud et al (1994) suggest that past experiences can greatly determine an individuals ability to learn in new situations. If learning was only centred in the transfer of knowledge from one individual to another, learning would be a smooth occurrence and each individual would take in knowledge with minimal difficulty. However emotions such as anxiety can cause difficulties for those who are participating in new learning experiences. The majority of individuals will experience anxieties when faced with new learning. However for some the anxiety can be overwhelming and deeply affect the learning process. So how individuals learn is greatly influenced by emotion (Boud et al, 1994). In conclusion it can be seen that there are many areas of both personal and societal life which could benefit from the process of critical reflection. The whole notion of learning to learn seems to be an approach which encourages independent and self-directed learning. While there are many schools of thought on the process of CR, they all seem be directed at questioning the underlying assumptions and discourses which inform both individual and societal actions. It seems obvious from the various readings that critical reflection is often frowned upon as something which upsets the status quo of organisations. Reflection The subject that I have chosen to reflect on is how the Irish society continues to apply past solutions to present problems. If we look to the recent recession it is clear that the Irish government continue to take the approach of promoting competition and neo liberal policies as a solution to the current economic conditions. As Coulter Coleman (2003) argue the dominant discourse in Irish society suggests that the economy is the mechanism which will bring about the greatest good for everyone concerned.  They contend that such a discourse is constructed by everyone within society. Some discourses are so dominant that they almost seem to be natural and many fail to question them. If we look to the Celtic Tiger in Ireland, there were various commentators suggesting that the country was in danger of a serious financial and economic crisis. Back in 2007 Bertie Ahern famously made the remark, that those who were moaning and cribbing about how the economy was being run sh ould commit suicide (Stafford, 2010). The moaners and cribbers he was referring too were economists who were warning about the economy not being stable and the future crash of the economy. Even though these economists were correct in their predictions the majority of Irish society sided with Bertie Ahern. As Friere (1998) suggests, the need to question dominant knowledge is a must, however in the Irish case when the dominant knowledge was questioned the individuals were ridiculed.  This fundamental aspect of Irish society needs to change. Even in the current recession the government continues to suggest that the only way recover from the economic downturn is to remain competitive in the global world. The dominant thinking involved here is just returning to the dominant thinking of the past which suggests the economy is going to correct all the ills of the country. Even the EU/IMF bailout underwent very little critical analysis. The same commentators who were warning of the economic crisis during the Celtic Tiger collapse were all suggesting that there were alternatives which could have being taking. However just like the Celtic Tiger era, the government chose to follow a path without considering the long-term consequences. As Storey (2010) argues IMF bailouts in other countries have had disastrous consequences for those countries. By nature these bailouts seem to be extremely undemocratic. For example the IMF (an unelected external body) has a major influence on the development and implementation of national po licy. There was no referendum on this bailout and the general Irish public had very little say on whether or not the bailout was applied for. The presence of undemocratic rule seemed to be evident in Ireland a number of years before the IMF arrived in town. For instance the first referendum on the Lisbon Treaty was rejected by the Irish people, however the Irish government held a second referendum asking the question in a different way. Compared to other countries there was very little protest in relation to the bailout or austerity measures which were been implemented. Even when it was apparent that the government were lying for a number of days in relation to applying for a bailout, there was very little public outcry. While pole ratings suggested that the government were dropping in popularity, the level of protest was minimal. The question has to be asked, why the Irish public are so passive in relation to situations which will have serious consequences for their lives. One expl anation could be the lack of social solidarity. For instance Bauman (2000) argues that in modern society individuals are now defying their identity through the consumption of various goods and products. He argues that this creates a lack of social solidarity and creates a more individualistic society. It could be argued that the Celtic Tiger has created a society of consumers who are only concerned about their own needs. The Celtic Tiger period in Ireland is often seen as a period where individuals and groups were living extravagant and affluent lifestyles. It seems as though individuals in society are now more worried about their own needs and have very little concern for others. This may change once the true impact of the austerity measures hits home for various groups and individuals. It seems very evident from the recent budget that the most vulnerable in society are going to pay the highest price for the mistakes of the elite. It seems apparent that it is the underlying thinking and ideology in Irish society which needs to undergo a critical reflection. Both those in power and society as a whole need to consider what kind of society they want for both themselves and future generations. If the lack of protest in Ireland is anything to go by it seems as though individuals in Irish society have become self-interested and have very little concern for the more vulnerable in society. It may be worth introducing the process of critical reflection at an earlier age in schools in an attempt to create independent thinkers who are capable of challenging dominant discourse at both organisational and political level. However from my own experience of various social care settings and the education system such an ideal does not seem high on the agenda. It may suit those at the top to have a society which follows and does not question. Or it may be, that those at the top do not question their own motives. Either way, if I reland wishes to learn from the mistakes of the past, some form of questioning needs to occur at a societal, governmental and individual level. The recent recession provides a space for such questioning. Whether such questioning materialises at the level suggested in this reflection remains to be seen.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Buying Favor: Why Congress Depends on Funding From Special Interests Es
There is a problem with Congress. The previous sentence summarizes the collective sentiment of the general public concerning the legislative branch of the federal government. A 2010 Gallop poll revealed that over eighty-nine percent of Americans have no confidence in Congress (Lessig 2). It is theorized that Congress is so far out of favor because it has been unable to resolve the nation’s most important issues, such as Medicare, Medicaid, immigration reform, and the growing budget deficit, due to seemingly trivial reasons. Some theorize this lack of significant legislative action is due to growing partisanship between the system’s dominate political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party. According to Mark Brewer, â€Å"Politicians†¦are more likely to support their party and oppose the other party today than any other time since the 1950s (219).†Another hypothesis explaining the lack of legislative action by Congress is the special in terest theory. According to the theory’s advocates, the Congress has not accomplished much because of the institution’s dependency on large-scale campaign contributions; and these donors would rather there be little regulation or regulations supporting their specific industry. To support this hypothesis, Harvard University law professor Lawrence Lessig authored Republic, Lost: How Money Corrupts Congress–and a Plan to Stop It in 2011. The book details the effect of campaign funding by special interests and its effect on congressmembers and government policies. Within Republic, Lost, Lessig attempts to draw interest to the issue he believes is the reason for the federal government’s inactivity: dependence corruption. He argues congressmembers have become unresponsive to the will ... ...ed States Trade Representative. â€Å"Statement by U.S. Trade Representative Ron Kirk on Congressional Passage of Trade Agreements, Trade Adjustment Assistance and Key Preference Programs.†Web. 4 May 2012. . â€Å"Public Support for Increased Trade, Except With South Korea and China.†9 Nov. 2010. Pew Research Center. Web. 4 May 2012. Tea Party Platform. â€Å"Ten Core Beliefs of the Modern-Day Tea Party Movement.†2011. Web. 4 May 2012. . United States Bureau of the Census. â€Å"Income, Poverty, and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2010.†By Thom File and Sarah Crissy. May 2010. Census Bureau. Web. 4 May 2012. .
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Count of Monte Cristo :: essays research papers
The Count of Monte Cristo Journal In the beginning of the book The Count of Monte Cristo we meet Edmond Dantà ¨s; he comes across as a model of honesty, ability, and innocence. â€Å"He was a fine tall, slim young fellow, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a ravens wing; and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger (pg 4).†Regardless of his youth, he is a useful leader to his sailors. He was also very devoted to his father and fiancà ©e. Dantes was capable of looking into the good side of the people that disliked him like Danglars â€Å"a man of twenty-five or twenty –six†¦of unprepossessing countenance, obsequious to his superiors, insolent to his inferiors (pg6),†Caderousse â€Å"a man of twenty-five or twenty-six years of age (pg17),†and Fernand â€Å"tall, strapping, black eyed Catalan, with a red complexion, brown skin, and fierce air (pg21).†Even thought they were mean to Dantes he always treated them fairly and civilly Alexander Dumas shows us that when Morrel asks Dantà ¨s to evaluate Danglars’s work on the ship, Dantà ¨s could easily ruin his enemy’s career with a mean word but he chooses to put aside his personal feelings and honestly evaluates Danglars on a professional level. â€Å"If you mean as a responsible agent that you ask me the question, I believe there is nothing to say against him, and that you will be content with the way in which he has performed his duty (pg12).†Similarly, rather than reproach Caderousse for mistreating his father, Dantà ¨s politely welcomes him into his home and offers to lend him money. Dantà ¨s even manages to control his will toward Fernand, his rival for Mercà ©dà ¨s feelings. Dantà ¨s is loyal to those he loves and sees the best in those who are flawed. While Dantà ¨s sits atop the pedestal of honesty and generosity, his three enemies could not be further from it. Unaware of Dantà ¨sâ₠¬â„¢s kindness and tolerance, they have convinced themselves that he is very mean. When Dantà ¨s takes pride in his good luck, the other men feel injury to their own egos. There are only two enemies of Dantes, Caderousse and Danglars, actually dislike Dantà ¨s at this point; Fernand’s hatred of Dantà ¨s, by contrast, does not stem from any will of Dantà ¨s’s character. Fernand simply dislikes Dantà ¨s because he is the main obstacle to his own happiness with Mercedes. The Count of Monte Cristo :: essays research papers The Count of Monte Cristo Journal In the beginning of the book The Count of Monte Cristo we meet Edmond Dantà ¨s; he comes across as a model of honesty, ability, and innocence. â€Å"He was a fine tall, slim young fellow, with black eyes, and hair as dark as a ravens wing; and his whole appearance bespoke that calmness and resolution peculiar to men accustomed from their cradle to contend with danger (pg 4).†Regardless of his youth, he is a useful leader to his sailors. He was also very devoted to his father and fiancà ©e. Dantes was capable of looking into the good side of the people that disliked him like Danglars â€Å"a man of twenty-five or twenty –six†¦of unprepossessing countenance, obsequious to his superiors, insolent to his inferiors (pg6),†Caderousse â€Å"a man of twenty-five or twenty-six years of age (pg17),†and Fernand â€Å"tall, strapping, black eyed Catalan, with a red complexion, brown skin, and fierce air (pg21).†Even thought they were mean to Dantes he always treated them fairly and civilly Alexander Dumas shows us that when Morrel asks Dantà ¨s to evaluate Danglars’s work on the ship, Dantà ¨s could easily ruin his enemy’s career with a mean word but he chooses to put aside his personal feelings and honestly evaluates Danglars on a professional level. â€Å"If you mean as a responsible agent that you ask me the question, I believe there is nothing to say against him, and that you will be content with the way in which he has performed his duty (pg12).†Similarly, rather than reproach Caderousse for mistreating his father, Dantà ¨s politely welcomes him into his home and offers to lend him money. Dantà ¨s even manages to control his will toward Fernand, his rival for Mercà ©dà ¨s feelings. Dantà ¨s is loyal to those he loves and sees the best in those who are flawed. While Dantà ¨s sits atop the pedestal of honesty and generosity, his three enemies could not be further from it. Unaware of Dantà ¨sâ₠¬â„¢s kindness and tolerance, they have convinced themselves that he is very mean. When Dantà ¨s takes pride in his good luck, the other men feel injury to their own egos. There are only two enemies of Dantes, Caderousse and Danglars, actually dislike Dantà ¨s at this point; Fernand’s hatred of Dantà ¨s, by contrast, does not stem from any will of Dantà ¨s’s character. Fernand simply dislikes Dantà ¨s because he is the main obstacle to his own happiness with Mercedes.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Virtual Child Ages 11-16
Maureen Gillespie PSY 206 – Dr. Greenspan Montgomery County Community College April 15, 2013 Assignment #2 Adolescence is defined as the transition between childhood and adulthood. Many changes happen at this stage. Adolescence involves things such as puberty, greater independence, and a time when someone begins to construct their identity. Identity means their life value and goals including a secure sense of who they are in terms of sexual, vocational, and moral ethics. In the next few paragraphs I will be discussing my Virtual Child, Maeve as she went through adolescence (ages 11- 16).I am going to delve into the different changes I saw in her and how they relate to theories proposed by Piaget, Erikson, Marcia, and Gardner. Each theory deals with development through adolescence and will help give a better understanding of this time in Maeve’s life. According to Piaget, around age 11 young people enter the formal operational stage. Here they develop the capacity for ab stract, systematic, scientific thinking. Whereas concrete operational children can â€Å"operate on reality,†formal operational adolescents can â€Å"operate on operations. They can come up with new, more general logical rules through reflection, rather than just using concrete things as objects of thought. (p. 301). Formal operational thought invokes verbal reasoning about abstract concepts. Adolescents doing things such as physics are examples of their operating within this stage. Maeve always did well in her math and science grades but, by 10th grade she was very enthusiastic about physics. She even went and entered one of her science projects into a county-wide science fair. Maeve has also taken, and done well, in art since the 7th grade.At age 14, Maeve's English class required she submit a poem into a school-wide contest. Maeve's poem took home first place in the contest, and her work was placed in a state-wide contest. Her work on art and poetry were reflections of h er inner feelings and were not just focused on concrete objects. As Maeve grew cognitively through this stage of her adolescence, she also went through a great deal of emotional and social change. These changes were obvious to us as her parents. These changes were signs that she could think logically and scientifically and was trying to put it all together to form her own identity.Identity is defined as a well-organized conception of the self, consisting of values, beliefs, and goals to which the individual is solidly committed. Erikson was the first to recognize identity as the major personality achievement of adolescence and as a crucial step toward becoming a productive, content adult. (p. 314) Identity is planted in an individual early in life, but it is not until late adolescence and early adulthood that people really take on the task and delve into finding their own identity.By age 12, Maeve began to argue with us over little things such as clothes, bedtime, and household chor es. These weren’t things we usually argued over, in fact we rarely argued at all, but as she changed emotionally, so did our arguments. She would talk frequently about what is and isn’t â€Å"fair. †Her moral development was forming as she started to differentiate her thoughts like this. As Maeve progressed through adolescence, she continued to grow morally and socially, but remained relatively easy going and well-behaved. She did well in school, saved her money, and was involved in after school activities.By the time she was 16, these actions proved she was responsible, and after practicing with me, she went for her driving test. She was just like any other teenager who wanted to hang out, go shopping, and drive around. But, she still always checked-in with us and was rarely late. She had begun to find her identity through independence and was doing well. Maeve was involved with sports and was looking happily ahead on her path towards college. But, late in 11t h grade, Maeve started to change for what could have been the worse.She had quarrels with girlfriends, engaged in a few senseless pranks, and began to date boys. At one point, as an act of defiance, she ran off with her boyfriend and they both got matching tattoos. During the times when she was feeling down, she wouldn’t talk much, but always knew she could. But, when Maeve was ready to talk, she was confident in herself and what she stood for. While her decisions weren’t always that irresponsible, we still found that we didn’t always agree with her. But for Maeve, she seemed to know she was in a trial and error phase of growing up and had to see what worked for her.We had to let her develop that. Much like Maeve’s trial and error phase, Erikson’s theory of identity versus role confusion explains psychological conflict of adolescence. This theory states that this conflict is resolved positively when adolescents achieve an identity after a period of exploration and inner soul searching. If a young person’s earlier conflicts were resolved negatively or if society limits their choices to ones that do not match their abilities and desires, they may appear shallow, directionless, and unprepared for the challenges of late adulthood. p. 314). Maeve luckily didn’t make many choices that were resolved negatively. These social and emotional changes weren’t always easy for the rest of the family to deal with, but they were a part of her growth. With us there to provide nurturing support, she was able to develop her own healthy identity after her period of â€Å"soul searching. †Researchers commonly evaluate progress in identity development on two key criteria derived from Erikson’s theory. These two criteria are exploration and commitment. Marcia yielded from this, four â€Å"identity statuses. These four statuses are: identity achievement, identity moratorium, identity foreclosure, and identity diff usion. Identity moratorium is exploration without commitment to value, foreclosure is commitment in the absence of exploration, and diffusion is an apathetic state where you don’t commit or explore. The following example shows how Maeve does not fit into either of these categories. As you know from previous examples, Maeve explored many social and behavioral changes in her adolescence. One conversation sits with me the most. I had a conversation once with Maeve after she was off the school bus in about 10th grade.She described a situation where she had a conversation with a good friend, heard her friend’s values, didn’t agree, and respectfully listened while providing feedback as necessary. She came home to tell me all about her values and how she didn’t openly or rudely oppose her friend just because her friend thought differently than she did. She also didn’t change her own values because of this. This is a perfect example of identity achievement which is defined as a commitment to values, beliefs, and goals, following a period of exploration. Maeve stayed true ith these beliefs, stayed on track with her goals in life, and is all set to go to the college of her dreams, because that is what she values. In looking at adolescence it is important to look at how they develop their intelligence. Howard Gardner developed a theory about various intelligences. He articulated seven criteria for a behavior to be considered intelligence. These were that the intelligences showed: 1. Potential for brain isolation by brain damage, 2. Place in evolutionary history, 3. Presence of core operations, 4. Susceptibility to encoding (symbolic expression), . A distinct developmental progression, 6. The existence of savants, prodigies and other exceptional people, 7. Support from experimental psychology and psychometric findings. Gardner chose eight abilities that he held to meet these criteria: spatial, linguistic, logical-mathematical, bodily-kin esthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalistic. I believe that Maeve’s highest intelligences are logical-mathematical, bodily-kinesthetic, and interpersonal. She excels in her school work and is involved in higher level physics than that of her grade level.She participates in science fairs and enjoys using her mind to solve problems. She has always been a social butterfly and enjoys the outdoors. While she did play an instrument for some time, she didn’t enjoy it and wouldn’t be considered the musical type. While she is coordinated when playing sports, she has more than once ran into the trash cans while backing out of our driveway which would make me say she is not of the spatial intelligence. I also would consider a weaker intelligence for her to be linguistics. While she is intelligent it is not her strongest suit, as she isn’t the most eloquent speaker.In conclusion, there are many factors that come into play when a child is growing through adolescence. They change emotionally, spiritually, mentally, and physically. All of this is to work towards gaining a sense of self and identity to carry with them through adulthood. By taking the time and letting your child go through these phases with your background support, you are preparing your child to take on their world. References * Berk, L. E. (2010). Exploring lifespan development. (2nd ed. ). Illinois: Pearson College Div.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Muscle Cross Sectional Area Health And Social Care Essay
Strength has been documented to hold a positive relationship with the cross sectional breadth of the musculus ( Knuttgen, 1976 ) . Those jocks with the ability to bring forth a greater maximum voluntary contraction will hold advantages over rivals during featuring events associated with strength. The neuromuscular system of the human organic structure is by and large the most antiphonal to developing ( McArdle et al, 2001 ) . Muscle is really basic in the manner that it increases with size and strength when being exercised, but will diminish in size and strength when non being trained. When the musculus additions strength, it is normally accompanied by a addition in the size of the musculus, likewise, when a musculus loses strength, it loses musculus size ( Marieb et al, 1999 ) . Although musculus size does impact the strength of the musculus, nervous factors such as motor unit enlisting and the frequence of the stimulation of the motor units are besides of import to strength addition. When a musculus additions in size after long term opposition preparation it is known as chronic hypertrophy. This occurs when structural alterations within the musculus are made due to the addition in size of the bing musculus fibers. This fiber hypertrophy occurs due to an addition in sarcostyles and actin and myosin fibrils, which will let a greater sum of force to be produced due to the greater sum of cross-bridges available, ( McArdle et al, 2001 ) When opposition preparation, the bizarre constituent of preparation is of import in seeking to enable the maximal addition in the cross sectional country of each musculus fiber. It is good documented that greater hypertrophy can be gained from merely utilizing bizarre contractions, in comparing to concentric contraction preparation, or a combination of both homocentric and bizarre contraction preparation ( Higbie et al, 1996 ) . An bizarre contraction occurs when the opposition applied to the musculus exceeds the musculus force, hence intending the musculus would lengthen, while staying under tenseness ( McArdle et al, 2001 ) . The absorbing action of the manus uses isometric contractions of the forearm to bring forth the tight clasp. An isometric contraction is when a musculus generates a force despite the deficiency of noticeable prolongation of shortening of the musculus ( McArdle et al, 2001 ) . The articulations of the manus do non travel, nevertheless, the manus could bring forth sufficient force, so as to non drop the object. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the effects of the cross sectional country of the forearm, on the maximum voluntary contraction of the manus executing a absorbing action in male topics. Based on old research it was hypothesised that there will be a positive correlativity between the maximum voluntary contraction of the manus and the cross sectional country of the forearm in males. Method Thirty seven healthy, male voluntaries ( Aged 20 +/- 3years, Height 1.7meters +/- 0.2meters ) participated in a survey, all were pupils. First, all topics had their forearm cross sectional country recorded. This was done by mensurating the subjectaa‚ ¬a„?s largest country of the forearm utilizing a tape step. The perimeter of the forearm was so used to work out the radius, utilizing the equation C = 2Pi r. Once the radius of the forearm was recorded, this figure was so used to work out the cross-sectional country of the forearm utilizing the equation 2pi2. Each topic performed three, maximum voluntary contractions, gripping the digital ergometer utilizing their right manus, while their forearm would be perpendicular to their organic structure. When the topic felt they had reached their maximal contraction, they would allow travel of the ergometer. Forty-five seconds remainder was given to the topics between each test. Out of the three figures produced by the ergometer, the highest figure was recorded to be analysed ( see appendix 1 ) Data was analysed utilizing a goodness of fit value, and was tested for significance utilizing a studentaa‚ ¬a„?s t trial. Consequences The information shows a little positive correlativity between the cross sectional country of the forearm, and the maximum voluntary contraction of the manus ( R2 = 0.0334 ) . T-tests on the information gathered, concluded that the forearm cross sectional country did non hold a important impact on the MVC recording ( p=0.180 ) .Figure 1 illustrates the information collected.Figure 1. Exemplifying the relationship between forearm cross sectional country, and the maximum voluntary contraction during the hand-grip motionDiscussion The preset survey shows that although there was a little positive correlativity between strength and the cross sectional country for male topics, there was besides a considerable sum of incompatibility between persons. However, the informations gathered was non statistically important when analysed utilizing t-tests. Studies into the relationship between cross sectional country and the maximum voluntary contraction have produced contradictory consequences. Maughan et Al ( 1983 ) besides found that there was a positive correlativity between cross sectional country and the maximum voluntary contraction, but likewise to the present survey, there consequences showed a really high degree of variableness. In the present survey, there is an anomalousness, where one of the topics with the smallest transverse sectional country, was able to bring forth one of the highest maximum voluntary contractions, and likewise, how the largest cross sectional country measured, produced a comparatively wea k contraction in comparing. This could be explained by taking into consideration the single differences of the topics. When mensurating cross sectional country of the forearm, this was done merely by mensurating the perimeter of the widest portion of the forearm. This would therefore take into history any fat tissue environing the musculus, which would differ from each topic. As it is merely the skeletal musculus which is bring forthing the contraction which is being measured, the fatso tissue which has non been accounted for is impacting the information. Another consideration would be the single difference in the physique up of the musculus between the different topics. The musculuss of the human organic structure are composed of a varied ratio of the two chief types of musculus fibers, each holding different contractile features ( Brooke & A ; Kaiser, 1970 ) . Athletes that participate in endurance activity have been shown to hold predominately type I muscle fibers, in comparing to rush and strength jocks with tend to hold largely type II fibers ( Saltin et al 1977 ) . It has been documented that there is a positive correlativity between the strength of the musculus and the proportion of type II musculus fibers present within the on the job musculus, Tesch & A ; Karlsson ( 1978 ) . This would bespeak that the strength of the type II musculus fibers was greater than that of the Type I muscle fibre, and this would in bend reflect the maximum voluntary contraction that could be produced by each topic. This is supported by a study by Bu rke Edgerton ( 1975 ) , & A ; who agreed that musculuss with a higher proportion of type II musculus fibers could bring forth a greater isometric contraction than musculus with a composing of chiefly type I fibres. In footings of associating the consequences of the Tesch & A ; Karlsson survey to the present one, their survey had no comparing to the cross sectional country of the on the job musculus, and hence no comparing would be able to be drawn against the information in this survey. The motive of the topics to work at an absolute maximum degree may hold besides impacted upon the truth of the consequences. It was hypothesised that there will be a positive correlativity between the maximum voluntary contraction of the manus and the cross sectional country of the forearm in males. The survey found that although there was a little positive correlativity, the information was undistinguished, and could non be drawn upon to do a concluding decision. One decision drawn from this survey is that there was a considerable degree of discrepancy in the subjectsaa‚ ¬a„? maximum voluntary contraction, with some of the smaller cross sectional countries, bring forthing some of the highest voluntary contractions. This could be due to the manner in which we measured the forearm cross sectional country, taking into history fatty tissue, or could besides come down to the single difference in musculus fiber types, reflecting the ability of the musculus to bring forth a higher contraction than others. Word Count aa‚ ¬ †1357 Appendix 1CapableAge ( Old ages )Height ( centimeter )Computer Dynamometer: MVC ( millivolt )Forearm cross sectional country ( cm2 )1 20 182 11.32 71.3 2 22 174 10.697 62.4 3 20 163 11 27 4 20 187 16.7 30.5 5 20 177 13.2 63.8 6 19 177 13.5 64.7 7 19 186 14.7 55.91 8 20 179 14.5 69.29 9 19 166 12.5 48.17 10 20 174 15.6 40.69 11 23 179 14.649 62.4 12 18 185 8.83 53.818 13 18 176.5 14.105 67.42 14 19 176 11.34 62.44 15 19 186 15.263 66.92 16 20 186 13.36 76.57 17 19 175 9.536 63.585 18 19 176 17.95 67.02 19 20 176 14.8 81.67 20 19 186 12.911 58 21 19 178 14.181 62.5 22 18 176 16.81 67.02 23 19 176 11.2 62.44 24 19 176 13 62.44 25 19 187 12.1 86.7 26 19 186.5 17.775 68.7 27 19 180 16.05 86.35 28 19 170 15.562 55.38 29 19 173 12.432 49.73 30 19 176 13.468 53.818 31 19 167 12.576 57.38 32 21 177 10.864 49.74 33 18 180 11.97 49.74 34 19 178 10.57 55.91 35 19 175 11.3 54 36 18 181 14.6 62.31 37 19 178 12.8 49.7 Mean 19.32432 177.8648649 13.34376 60.20165 South dakota 1.028863 5.859048852 2.231944 12.69697 Minute 18 163 8.83 27 Soap 23 187 17.95 86.7
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Pestel Analysis of Mobile Phone Industry
Pestel Analysis of Mobile Phone Industry Political Mobile phones have now become a tool with which political parties can directly target voters. People with smartphones can now receive video advertisements and messages via the internet. According to the Economic Intelligence Unit (2012), 83% of Americans who own a smartphone or tablet are registered to vote. This new gimmick is called â€Å"m-campaigning†and is currently most common in America. Barack Obama and Mitt Romney are both using this as a medium for their campaigns. Former French President Nicolas Sarkozy set up a Twitter account to help him in his re-election bid.This shows the growing importance appreciation of mobile phones by politians. There is potential here for some companies to use this strength as a bargaining tool with governments and potentially charge political parties to have built in apps on the phones. (Economic Intelligence Unit, 2012) â€Å"Thanks to location-tracking, potential supporters may recei ve an automated message urging them to drop in just as they are passing a voter-registration office, or to turn up to a nearby rally†(EIU, 2012) The mobile phone market in Africa is one which is heavily affected by politics.The more unstable a country is the more the economy is constrained. This has a negative effect on imports going into these countries. Africa has a history of political instability and coups. According to AfricaGoodNews. com the last few decades have seen a huge decline in the number of war torn countries. The number of countries in Africa considered completely(11) and partially(34) free today has risen tremendously since 1972(3 and 10 respectively). These figures suggest that, from a political point of view at the very least, Africa has turned a major corner. A new more stable standard of life looms over the horizon.This may signal a new era of stability in the continent. (AfricaGoodNews. com) According to Techwireasia. com China is the biggest telephone m arket in the world. They boast over 1 billion mobile phone subscribers. However political factors have a huge influence on the market. The three biggest players in the market China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom are majority-owned by the Government. This can be a potential oportunity or threat. It can be an opportunity as long term agreements with these providers can cement a companies place in the market and provide a platform for further growth.On the other hand these companies in the next few years may begin to promote and seek to make deals with China based manufucturers and slowly dilute the market share of the market leaders. (Techwireasia. com, 2012) Economical The global smartphone market is quite an competitive market. Across the globe people are paying high prices for these products. In Ireland the prices for the top three phones on the market are the HTC One X (â‚ ¬519. 99), the Samsung Galaxy SIII (â‚ ¬569. 00) and the iPhone 5(â‚ ¬579. 99) (Carphone War ehouse, 2012). These phones are in excess of â‚ ¬500 to buy which is expensive to the average person.At such a high price, such goods are very sensitive to a customer’s economic situation. We will look now at such economic indicators which could influence sales in this industry. The growth of an economy can be measured by its Gross Domestic Product(GDP). According to figures released by Trading Economics (2012) the GNP in the Euro area is -0. 4%. This figure represents the effect of the financial and economic crisis Europe now finds itself in. European countries like Italy(-2. 6%), Greece(-6. 3%), Portugal(-3. 3%) and Spain(-1%) are all in recession.Other countries which have a positive GDP are experiencing very slow growth like Germany(0. 5%), France(0. 25%) and Austria(0. 2%). The smartphone industry will suffer in Europe due to these figures and sales growth will be slowed significantly. These figures can be used to highlight countries and regions where economic growth is strong. It is shown in tables 2,3 and 4 (Appendices) that there is strong economic growth in Asia, Eastern Europe and Africa. (Trading Economics, 2012) These are areas in which the mobile phone industry should concentrate marketing strategies.Countries which show huge market opportunities are China, India and Australia. These countries are booming. China has a population of 1. 3 billion and GDP of 7. 4%. India has a population of 1. 2 billion and GDP of 5. 5%. The mobile phone industry should place huge emphasis on trying to gain a share of these expanding markets. Africa is a continent known more for its poverty than prosperity. However it is a continent with great potential. From an economic perspective many countries are showing strong economic growth such as Rwanda and Nigeria for example which have a GDP of 9. % and 6. 3% respectively. â€Å"Over the past decade six of the world's ten fastest-growing countries were African. In eight of the past ten years, Africa has grown f aster than East Asia, including Japan†(The Economist, 2011) If we look at unemployment figures released by the IMF (2012) we can see a similiar trend that shows unemployment rising across europe with the notable exception of Germany. The rate for the euro area for the second quarter of 2012 is 11. 2%, up from 7. 6% in 2007. Rates in North America don’t look too good either with Canada at 7. 2% and US at 8%.Again we can see that the shining lights are in Asia with China, Korea and Japan showing the lowest unemployment rates (need figures ). Even though many of the industry’s products are made in Asia, but the markets over there seem to have the most potential to grow. Socio-Cultural The way we use phones is constantly changing. A recent OECD publication goes into great detail about how people are using the internet and mention a study called the Global Internet Phenomena Report in Canada (OECD, 2012). Table 1 in the Appendices show that people’s demand for real time entertainment is growing rapidly over the last few years.In 2012 the video streaming service Netflix accounted for 32. 9%, almost one third, of all downstream traffic in the United States. This suggests that consumer preferences are moving towards high quality video streaming and audio features. People want more entertainment from their phone. There is an opportunity the industry to notice this and focus resources on achieving these demands. (OECD, 2012) There is surely a fear amongst those companies in the market that somebody is going to come along with a new product which yet again revolutionises what we define as a mobile phone.The good news for the market is that even though technology and demands are constantly improving and increasing we feel it is worth mentioning that a mobile phone is still an essential device for almost everybody. Nowadays people have a wide selection of devices with which to use the internet, blackberrys, iphones, pcs, macbooks, ipads and tabl ets. Everyone has their own favourite device. Some people have switched from pc to mac. Some people prefer tablets. But everybody needs a phone and its capabilities seem to be consolidating all those of other devices.It can send e-mails, it can browse the web, it has Facebook and Twitter, it has live tv, it can be a music player etc. There is very little you can no longer do on a phone. From a social point of view there is nothing that could threaten the need for mobile phones Environment Environmental issues are becoming more prominent in the mobile phone industry in recent times. The WEEE Directive was introduced in the EU 2005 whereby any waste electrical or electronic equipment can be returned to the retailer free of charge provided that you purchase an item similar to the returning item (Selin & VanDeveer, 2006).This means to help the environment, mobile phone companies are required, by law, to take unwanted mobile phones. It is estimated that two million phones will be replace d this year causing 2,000 tons of waste (Kavanagh Environmental), proving it is anthropogenic what has caused radiation issues. For several years now, many people have speculated about the dangers of radiation from making calls. The main worry is that this could be a cause of cancer. It is reported that the risk of gliomas (brain cancer) has increased by 40% since the introduction of mobile phones (Kovach, 2011).Radiation from mobile phones may have serious consequences to humans as it is causing the population of bees to decline who are essential for crop growth preventing food shortages (Lean & Shawcross, 2007). Legal There is a lot of legislation associated with the mobile phone industry. Patents are currently a big advantage in the mobile phone industry. [pic] Source: The Atlantic, 2012. One can see that the common denominator is Apple. They are the only company which own valuable patents with regards to design and hold a strong market share in the market in which these phones a re sold.According to the Atlantic (2012), Apple are making the lions share of operating profits while Samsung and HTC are the chasing pack. Ownership of these patents is a competitive advantage. Issues arise again and again over patents, which is most notably seen in the Apple versus Samsung court case, which only came to a final decision in recent weeks. According to the US Daily Mail, Samsung had to pay $1. 05 Billion to Apple for copying their iPhone in the manufacturing of the Samsung Galaxy range (Murphy, 2012).A law went into effect in San Francisco early last year which required that all retailers must display how much radiation each phone emits (Kang, 2010). With just under 300 million Americans using mobile phones, this is something which has the potential to hit the industry very hard if any significant study shows a link between phone use and cancer (Kang, 2010). The EU has introduced new legislation in the last few years aimed at significantly reducing the cost of making international calls and roaming. It is now 68% cheaper to make a call while abroad than it was in 2006 and it is 81% cheaper to receive a call.The price of text messages has been reduced by 60% (Europa, 2012). References Economic Intelligence Unit (2012), ‘World Politics: Spreading the m-word’, ABI/ INFORM Global. Available Online at: http://search. proquest. com/abiglobal/docview/926036961/139DAC0C8916F0BFAF4/18? accountid=40346 [Accessed 10th October 2012] Africa Good News (2012), ‘Fast facts and quick stats about Africa’ AfricaGoodNews. com. Available Online at: http://www. africagoodnews. com/africa/facts. html [Accessed 16th October 2012] OECD (pg. 24, 2012) ‘OECD Internet economy outlook’ Available at: http://www. keepeek. om/Digital-Asset-Management/oecd/science-and-technology/oecd-internet-economy-outlook-2012/expanding-connectivity-and-measuring-the-internet-economy_9789264086463-3-en [Accessed 4th October 2012] Techwireasia. com (201 2) ‘An in depth ananlysis of China’s mobile phone market’ Techwireasia [Online] Available at: http://www. techwireasia. com/2733/an-in-depth-analysis-of-chinas-mobile-phone-market/ [Accessed 12th October] Carphone Warehouse (2012), Pay as you go smartphones, Carphonewarehouse. ie [Online] Available at; http://www. carphonewarehouse. ie/category/Pay-As-You-Go-Smartphones/1_3 [Accessed 15th October 2012]Europa (2012) ‘Travelling in Europe 2012-2013’ Europa. eu [Online] Available at; http://europa. eu/travel/comm/index_en. htm#phone [Accessed 3rd October 2012] IMF (2012) ‘Principal Global Indicators’ IMF. org [Online] Available at: http://www. principalglobalindicators. org/default. aspx [Accessed 4th October 2012] Trading Economics (2012), GDP growth rates, Available at: http://www. tradingeconomics. com/gdp-growth-rates-list-by-country [Accessed 4th October 2012] The Economist (2012) ‘After decades of slow growth, Africa has a real chance to follow in the footsteps of Asia’ The Economist[Online] Available at: http://www. conomist. com/node/21541015 [Accessed 18th October 2012] Atlantic. com. (2012, August). The State of play in the mobile industry in one venn diagram. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from The Atlantic: http://www. theatlantic. com/technology/archive/2012/08/the-state-of-play-in-the-mobile-phone-industry-in-one-venn-diagram/261712/ Europa. (2012). Travelling in Europe 2012-2013. Retrieved October 16, 2012, from Europa: http://europa. eu/travel/comm/index_en. htm#phone Kang, C. (2010). Cell Phone Indusrty attacks San Francisco's ruling on radiation. The Washington Post Kavanagh Environmental. (n. d. ). Environmental Objectives.Retrieved October 2, 2102, from Kavanagh Environmental: http://www. kavenv. ie/environment. html Kovach, S. (2011, May 31). Cell Phones may Cause Cancer. Retrieved OCTOBER 1, 2012, from Business Insider: http://www. businessinsider. com/cell-phones-cause-cancer-2011-5 Lea n, G. , & Shawcross, H. (2007, April 15). Are Mobile Phones wiping out our Bees? Retrieved October 4, 2012, from The Independent: http://www. independent. co. uk/environment/nature/are-mobile-phones-wiping-out-our-bees-444768. html Murphy, D. (2012, October). Samsung losing Apple Court Case. Retrieved October 16, 2012, from Mobile Marketing: http://www. obilemarketingmagazine. com/content/samsung-loses-apple-court-case Selin, H. , & VanDeveer, S. D. (2006, December). ABI/INFORM Global. Retrieved October 1, 2012, from ProQuest: http://search. proquest. com. ezproxy. wit. ie:2048/abiglobal/docview/224017129/13 99337313516FFA994/1? accountid=40346 Appendices Table 1: Aggregate Traffic Compisition, North America [pic] Source: (OECD, 2012) Table 2: GDP in Asia 2012 Q2 [pic] Source: (TradingEconomics. com) Table 3: GDP in Eastern Europe 2012 Q2 [pic] Source: (TradingEconomics. com) Table 4: GDP in Africa 2012 Q2 [pic] Source: (Tradingeconomics. com)
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Fail to Succeed
? Fail to Succeed Hello, I would like to introduce you to a different way of thinking about failure. Most of us know or see successful people in our daily lives. Some of us wonder if we will ever be successful. Some of us think that the successful person has always been this way. I have even heard people comment that success was given to that successful person. Either way you look at it or whatever you think about success. I can assure you most of the successful people you see became successful after some type of failure. Failure to succeed is not about failure; it is about using your failures to achieve success. I think at some point we have all failed in something. If you have never failed you probably just don’t remember. Even the smallest failures can change our lives. Failure goes as far back as learning to walk. We may not remember it but the first time we fell, our little baby brain says â€Å"we don’t want to do that again†. As we got older we missed a math question on a test, or had a couple of run on sentences in an English essay. We don’t really think about these things because they are so small but, they were all failures. We did figure out how to improve in these areas either consciously or sub consciously and we learned from that failure. We may have even become a success at what we improved on. Some people learned so much from falling down, they became stuntmen/women. Some failed so miserably in math they became accountants for the u. s government. Hans Christian Anderson had dyslexia. His condition is by no means a failure but his early years of learning to read write were full of failures. He became one of our greatest writers in history. All failures can lead to success. I worked for a large marketing company for about 2 years. I was a speaking for a well known real estate millionaire. His name is Robert Allen. Robert Allen filed bankruptcy in the early 80’s. He had acquired millions of dollars in real estate and when the bottom fell out so did his bank account. Of course he was down and out months. He went from a 10,000 square feet house in Colorado to a 2 bedroom apartment in San Diego. He had lost everything. After this failure he realized he could be successful in the same business if he changed a couple things. He began to write down all his thoughts and ideas and came up with 7 steps to be successful in real estate without using any money. He bean to put his ideas to work and within a year from his failure he was successful again. He has become a real estate millionaire again and has written many books about investing in real estate. His main focus to all of his books fall back to his big failure in the early 80’s. He mentions in one of his books, without that failure he could have never been as successful as he is today. He failed to succeed. I spent this last summer on the football field as an assistant coach for my sons football team. We practiced and practiced and had a lot of fun. Kids get used to playing against the same other kid during practice and they get comfortable. This was my sons first season and he was fired up, excited. Finally the first game had arrived. He was so excited and ready to go in his new uniform with all the gear. He felt like a real football hero before the game even started. First play of the game, he lines up and a bigger kid knocks him flat on his butt. Oh, he cried and cried and was terrified. This went on for a game or two. Finally, I told him it was time to be the hammer and not the nail. He thought this was a good idea too. I gave him a couple of tips and he became the best defensive lineman on the team. This was not because of my tips but because he was tired of failing. Once he realized he could be successful in this situation, failure was no longer an option. Although his failure was small to the coaches or even his buddies, it meant a lot to him. Without this failure he never would have learned that some else was capable of beating him in this position. Now he is always ready to go head to head no matter who is in front of him. He succeeded by failure. In conclusion I just want to be sure when you fail you realize why you failed. Failure can be a great success as you have read in my examples. At first it may not seem so but as we analyze our failures we can become a much greater success than before we failed. I have taken advice from many people in my life, most of them much older than I. I like to hear what people have to say about their failures and success because most of the time they are closely related. We can also learn from others who have failed before we fail on our own. I think failure is often overlooked as good education. I believe failure to be one of our best learning tools. So, I hope you can fail and become successful, I hope you can fail with confidence, I hope you fail to succeed.
Can Failure Lead to Success
Failure is to success as practice is to perfection. One who perseveres to achieve a paragon of whatever it may be will one day accomplish that task. In the same sense, an average human being who makes mistakes, like the rest of us, must fail in order to reach the level of success that he or she is determined to. A transient feeling of doubt may come across after or during the breakdown, but learning to be optimistic in such situations will abet one to learn from the wrong-doing and make better of themself.Any obstacle to stand in someone’s way of acquiring success is simply just a nudge in a different direction. Failure gives you the opportunity to come back stronger and braver. You are given a chance to work even harder than you did in the past. Assiduity and confidence is the key to picking up from any debacle that may influence you to give up. Imagine interviewing for a job that seemed like the best out there for you, but you didn’t get it.However, another job comes up that pays more and fits more comfortably for your schedule. A frustration of decline suddenly becomes something gained. Everything will soon be put into its’ right place, which is something pivotal to remember when you are in a struggle. Now that you have undergone such a negative time period of failure, you have been given a learning experience. Your stream of thought has been influenced and enriched. It is easier to develop new and different ideas, being that you must erase previous concepts.Make a new approach, take a risk, or test out something new to see a change in what you have done. All you have room left for is improvement, so doubting yourself will lead you nowhere. Learn from the mistakes that you have made in order to never run into them again on your road to success. Think of your downfalls as different plans that didn’t work out, rather than complete failures with no advantage. There are always things to learn, ways to grow, and new opportunities waiti ng for you.Failure can very well lead to success, but it all depends on you. Don’t be pessimistic when you must make new attempts in different situations. Be the best you can be so that your efforts can shine through in your work. Desire to succeed is much greater at this point, meaning you can truly stay focused on your goals. Viewing failure as the end of your road is the biggest mistake of all. Simply consider it the beginning of something potentially better.
Friday, September 13, 2019
The Problem of Sins And Evil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
The Problem of Sins And Evil - Essay Example This prideful rebellion and the greed for power made Satan into a self-proclaimed foe of God. In the Bible the Revelations, chapter 12, versus7-8 state, â€Å"And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon, and the dragon and his angels fought back. But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven.†(Hurault, 1996 ). Having established evil the next step was revenge on God and to destroy His works, as the gospel according to Peter, chapter 5 verse 8 states, â€Å"Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour†. The gospel according to Luke, chapter 10 verses 19 to 20 states, â€Å"But God gives us authority over the evil of this enemy as Jesus tells us. (Hurault, 1996) The production of this twisted evil can be accompanied with enlightenment and choice, as stated in the Gospel according to Mathew, chapter 25 versus 41 â€Å"All created beings have two ch oices, to accept this authority over the evil enemy or to follow Satan into "everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels.†(Hurault, 1996). The second disobedience was of our first parents i.e. Adam and Eve. Satan epitomizes evil and sin and to disobey God was to initiate evil. When I ponder over this ‘evil’ I realized that evil is void of righteousness and evil cannot be created since evil does not exist as a separate entity nor does it exist in reality.
Thursday, September 12, 2019
Starbucks International Operations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4750 words
Starbucks International Operations - Essay Example Sweden is an affluent European nation that is a part of the European Union, Bulgaria is an East European nation that has a much lower per capita income and is not yet a member of the European Union, although it is provisionally set to become one in 2007, while Nigeria is an African nation that is the poorest among the three countries. This Report will select one of these countries as potentially the best country that Starbucks could consider entering and then outline an entry proposal strategy that Starbucks could apply in order to derive the best benefits from that potential market. In terms of worldwide coffee consumption, Scandinavian countries (Finland, Denmark, Sweden, and Norway) â€Å"continue to be the areas with the highest consumption (Reporter, 2007). For this reason, Sweden offers enormous potential for Starbucks coffee because it is one of the highest per capita coffee consuming countries in the world, which is estimated at 10 kilos for an 8 million population. (McCabe, 1994). According to Datamonitor reports, the Scandinavians are coffee fiends and the average Dane drank his/her way through 7.5 kilos of coffee in 2002, which is about 75 regular sized cups of coffee ( Sweden follows this trend closely and one of the reasons that have been put forward for high consumption of hot coffee is the cold weather in the country. Additionally, the Datamonitor report states that this trend could â€Å"partly be explained by high alcohol prices – these mean caffeine can be a far more cost-effective way of getting wired than drinking†since coffee is also much cheaper ( However, there is one aspect that must be taken into consideration in countries such as Sweden, which is established coffee drinkers such as France and Italy.
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